- 6.25 BTC block reward.
- Ten minutes per block.
- 37.5 BTC per hour.
- 900 BTC per day.
- 328,500 BTC per year.
When you lay it all out there things really start coming into perspective. What would happen if the FED only printed 900 USD a day? Hell, what would happen if the FED only printed $17M a day (the USD value of 900 Bitcoin)? The entire system would collapse.
To put that into further perspective, $17M a day is about $6.3B a year. The FED almost printed a trillion dollars in June 2020 alone, 158 times more money than Bitcoin is minting every year.
And let's not forget that one BTC was only worth $10k a couple of months ago, down to $4k in March. When considering these numbers, they become more and more stacked against fiat and the endless cycle of money printing and debt-slavery.
It's being reported that countries all over the world are beginning to adopt Bitcoin just to avoid imperialist sanctions. Venezuela, Nigeria, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, etc.
Remember this little gem?
My girlfriend had her Venmo account suspended just because she payed a request I sent her with the footnote "Cuba". It was for Cuban food at a local restaurant. That is the absurd lengths that these jackasses go to in order to maintain sanctions and regulations against countries that refuse to bow down to our ultimate will.
Add to this all the corporate adoption going on and things are getting pretty crazy. Four years ago the market simply spiked to all time highs and immediately crashed to the doubling curve. This time around we are hovering at all time highs for a month now rather than being there for a single day. That is pretty huge, especially considering the buyers are much stronger hands than the sellers at the moment.
The value-proposition of Bitcoin is finally being utilized by the legacy economy but no one seems impressed. The psychological barrier of $20k unit-bias is much stronger than I thought. I imagine as soon as we are trading over $20k that's when the real FOMO starts.
In a subsequent post I'll explain how the market has a history of bubbling and becoming unstable in two weeks time. Once the market goes parabolic it takes two weeks for the top to blow off the volcano. Could those two weeks be coming quite soon? I think so. Two Weeks To Peak.
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