Finally made it to 1000 account tokens.
The ability for anyone to create an account was a pretty big upgrade that Steemit Inc programmed for us and everyone just kind of takes it for granted these days. Onboarding users has always, and will always, be a pretty big issue for decentralized networks that have to store copies of all the info across every node. Now even I can create accounts for 1000 different people... whether they have enough RCs to transact is another story.
https://peakd.com/milestone/@edicted/two-milestones It took me a while to get to even 100 account tokens back in the day because I didn't have a lot of stake. Another reason it takes me a while to reach these milestones is that I actually create a lot of accounts. I've been asked by several people (@dalz) why I'm creating more accounts that a lot of the actual services that are onboarding.
https://peakd.com/buidl/@edicted/account-name-squatting Personally I view account namespaces as treasured real estate on the blockchain. If these networks actually take off like we expect them to then all the good account names are gonna get taken pretty fast. I still use my old Hotmail Microsoft email account from back in the day (90's) because its my first name and last name with no numbers at the end. Every time I tried to create that username somewhere else it was taken after we entered the new millennium.
So yeah, I currently have the keys to over 100 accounts. These are either accounts I'll use as bots or to play games or whatever. Eventually I'll sell them or give them away during the crazy times when we hit very bad scaling walls.

Most recently I took the names of accounts for a ton of Twitch emotes in addition to a few others I thought of along the way.

Who knows, maybe Hive becomes popular enough that I won't be able to get rid of these accounts fast enough when the time comes. Until then it's fun to play around with bots and the API to figure everything out around here. I'll probably need quite a few accounts to test out some of the games and whatnot I'd like to develop.

Blast from the past.
Check it out! A rich-list from Oct 20, 2019! Back then no one even had more than 70k coins... my how the times have changed. Even I have more than 70k these days. Crazy stuff.
So I was looking at my old posts trying to find these milestones and whatnot and I found this little gem:
LOL @ Being Airdropped 22k LEO
Just the other day I was wondering how much I was initially airdropped... Now I realize that my airdrop is currently worth $6000. Wow... and I thought the $1000 it was worth at the time was good. We're making Uniswap look bad over here.
However, 2 million of those coins are locked in a sell wall set at 2:1 STEEM:LEO. Therefore, if the LEO community creates enough value to reach the sell wall my airdrop would be worth 44k Steem... lol. Sounds too good to be true. Maybe it is. Maybe not. Don't care. It will be interesting either way.
And now that sell wall hasn't even existed for quite some time and we are trading above the 2:1 level. My, how time flies. Not to mention I now have 70k coins so my LEO stake is worth 140k Hive... now that is some crazy stuff... and it's only going to get more crazy over the next year as money explodes into this space during the mega-bubble year of 2021 (4 years after 2017).
Scaling issue.
This is obviously not something we have to worry about quite yet. It's basically impossible for Hive to have any kind of scaling issue without the token price doing something crazy like x30-x100 or more. However, when we look at the fact that this network is currently tuned for 22KB/sec max throughput it becomes clear that we could hit a brick wall quite quickly.
Even top 20 witnesses have been popping out of the woodwork to tell me, "We'll just increase the blocksize." Oh! Will you now? It's that simple? It's really not... because putting more data on the blockchain isn't that big of a deal if you're a top 20 witness and getting those fat block rewards, but for everyone else it threatens to boost the cost of running a node to obscene levels that no one is willing to pay.
When prompted with the question, "How are we going to scale up to Facebook levels?" If the answer given is to simply do it the way centralized entities scale up... that answer is 100% wrong and naïve. It is absolutely absurd to think that 1000 nodes all storing the same information could all scale up at the same time to the size of a full-scale corporation. Seriously... just stop. That's not how this works.
Time is still ticking away. Developments are happening, albeit slowly. However, when we look back a couple years and see how far we've come it's pretty impressive.
Accounts on Hive are a resource, and at some point there aren't going to be enough to go around. Hard to imagine a time like that considering where we are today, but it will be here before you know it and we'll be complaining about a completely different subset of why "Hive is broken." All we can do is continue to fail to scale, gracefully into the future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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