Hm not that GO.
Not Pokemon GO or programming language GO either. Golem Overlord
I'm a little annoyed to be writing this post because it's giving me cringe Drugwars vibes from FEB 2019, but I said I would post and update if anything came up, and many many things have come up. I'll try to keep this post as short as I can for maximum value (ah who am I kidding).

Yixn is back in the Discord and the Discord is a buzzing. Development is constant, and a lot of the information, math, and equations that run the game are not shown in the tooltips. Still learning a lot about how it all works exactly.

The GO community (as it were) is pretty damn active, and the GO Discord reminds me of just how crazy Discord can be and how much of a Discord noob I am. I signed up for a GO Discord role by clicking on an emoji in the #roles channel. Never seen something like that before (even had to talk to a mod first to point me in the right direction). Also there is a really cool suggestions bot that I struggled to figure out (because I kept trying to talk to it directly because messages were disabled in the #suggestions channel). Turns out you just type /suggest in the main channel and it gets ported to the suggestions channel. Again I haven't seen something like that on Discord before (although I have seen other impressive bots). The extendibility of Discord bots have no limit it seems.

So I posted my suggestion finally.
And it currently has 20 yes and 0 no so that's a good sign. Less is more here. The smaller an idea is for a game like this often the more value is has. Yixn is grinding out code all day and trying to keep up with Discord. At this point it looks like more than a full time job. Big ideas have no place here. There's already too much to do.

Yixn is also asking for a solid onboarding tutorial for Hive so that it's easier to get users onto Golem Overlord. Perhaps I'll write my own, but we all know that onboarding noobs to Hive is not a trivial process. It looks like a lot of users were leveraging LEOFINANCE and @khaleelkazi to make a new account, but now those tokens have run dry. I'm sure a bot army or two dipped into them for sure. Too bad.
The Discord chat has been pretty insane today. For the last hour players have been losing their mind over someone calling the game a scam and inevitable rug-pull even though none of the logic makes sense. There is nothing to rug-pull. This isn't a DEFI project with millions of dollars sitting with a liquidity pool. In fact there's less than $5000 on the books I just checked... so... it would basically be the worst and stupidest rug-pull of all time.
Not only that but the person making these accusations is doing it because the limit to sell farmed parts starts getting capped at a 75% ratio. If you try to sell everything the game cuts you off from the farm. The person complaining had already made money off the game and they were simply complaining that they couldn't make more. Pretty funny. Terrible argument made in bad faith. Happens.

Development continues
As someone who is speculating hard on shards (which still do nothing), it was nice to see the lead dev put out some Ruby code showing that leveling up guild bunkers will be very expensive in terms of shard burns. The crates and NFTs and whatnot will also require them. Again: pure speculation at this point. But this isn't why I wrote this post.

So what did I learn?
There are a lot of math nerds who post stuff like this. The above chart is a recommendation of what order you should level your farming skills. 'A' standing for algorithm and 'GCS' standing for the charging station. Like if you have level 2 algo and level 1 GCS this chart says to level up GCS, or if you are 12 algo and 8 GCS this chart still recommends getting another algo.
Charts like this are pretty important on a math game like this because optimizing farming skills is one of the easiest ways to get ahead of the pack. I actually made my own spreadsheet as well and made some interesting revelations that may or may not be accurate.

Ugly but insightful
Sounds like a bad brand name for perfume.
In any case my math is different than some of the other maths out there. The equation is simple enough:

NealmcSpreadsheet would be proud (@nealmcspadden)
I haven't created a spreadsheet in so long (over 10 years?) that I forgot Google Sheets existed. I used the above equation in every field copy/pasted to get the answers I was looking for. Basically this is how many parts an account farms every 3 seconds.
What I noticed here is that while the additive charging station is often more expensive: the bonus received is often twice as good as algorithm, which was surprising to me. These numbers are not in line which recommendations and charts from the top players, which tend to stack a lot more algorithm.
I assumed my math was wrong but after a long Discord conversation I'm not sure that it is. I was told that there was a penalty for the algo+charging levels being less than 10 combined, which was news to me.

This is information you can't get from the game's tooltips which is why I decided to write this post in the first place. Very important information for anyone who has a lower level account. This math makes it harder to exploit the game with a bot army. Early-game accounts get penalized until they hit something like 4/6 charging/algo.
However, this penalty doesn't really favor GCS other than algo is sometimes a bit cheaper to level up at the time. At the same time, one of the spreadsheets I was looking at recommended that if you have 3 GCS and 4 algo you should get another algo, even though my math shows that GCS is like x3 times better. I haven't really tested it in game yet so I can't say one way or the other.
The thing I'm not accounting for in my spreadsheet is the cost of the upgrades which certainly has a lot of weight when deciding these things. Still, when the price of the two skills is even remotely close it seems like charging station is better pretty much every time hands-down. Of course I didn't really check past 10/10 and it looks like the exponential nature of algo starts to come into play during the "late game".
Well I said I would try to keep this one short but I've already failed at that as always. Long story short GO Discord has ruined all other Discords for me. It's crazy in there right now and Yixn is working more than full time and trying to stay active with the community.
The spot price of parts is 2.7 right now, and it was only 2.2 or 2.3 when I first started so the fact that price of parts is still going up is pretty insane honestly. I seeded another alt with my farm from the first two and I find it difficult to sell even with prices this high. Such is crypto gaming. Maybe one day I'll learn (I won't).

Grind grind grind!
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