I keep thinking about the future and what it will look like, but with everything happening exponentially quickly these days, this becomes increasingly difficult. What will the world look like without fiat? What about corporations, banks, and even governments as we know them? Such a future would be completely different than the one we know today, and impossible to predict due to the nature of Chaos Theory.
I also have to wonder if the conspiracy theorists are actually going to be proven right once again. Are we really a hop skip and a jump away from economic collapse followed by a globalist-sponsored genocide? What a terrifying thought! Then again, that's exactly what I would do if I was in charge of the world. The people at the top don't have to worry about pesky things like laws and morals. They are cold and calculating, and constantly trick citizens into thinking they have their best interests at heart.
Fool me twice.
In 2019 I was chatting a bit with Nick Grujic. I'm having trouble finding his Hive tag. He's since disappeared and may have even blocked me on Discord (or more likely deleted his account). He's basically full on Qanon conspiracy theorist and I enjoyed our little chats, but he also was investing other people's money and even paying $5000 a year for one of those "exclusive" emailing lists on which micro-cap crypto to buy. I assume he lost all the money and went into hiding or jail or something... lol.
In any case, one day we are talking and he shows me a map of the world. This particular map was a prediction of population numbers some years out into the future. The United States only had like 100M people in it according to this prediction. What happened to the other 250M people in this country? Did they move? Did they die? I figured it was just more Qanon bullshit; wild speculation/extrapolation based on some crazy information someone had stumbled upon.
However, looking at the world today, its blatantly obvious how this map of the future could come to pass: pure genocide. Forcing people to get an experimental vaccine that doesn't actually seem to do anything. What is its purpose? Conspiracy theorists are telling us it's meant to purge the world of all these stinky humans, and every month that goes by I am more inclined to believe just that. These things have been building up for years and years.

How long ago was it that the idea of vaccine mandates and passports was a complete fantasy that only an idiot would believe they could happen? Now, less than a year later, that's exactly what's going on. Canada as just launched vaccine passports on an international level, which gives every other country an excuse to "respect international law". Like, look around. It's pretty insane.
No one will admit that a year ago they were saying vaccine passports were a moron idea propagated by moron conspiracy theorists. Now it's mainstream, very quickly, without nearly as much resistance as there should be. Not a good look.
I remember arguing with my girlfriend back when this all started, talking about the merits of perhaps the Virus being created at the Wuhan Lab. She said that was ridiculous and that we don't even have the technology to do such a thing. Lo and behold: gain-of-function research that proves otherwise. This is also the crazy conspiracy theory that came true and most people are still in fucking lala land. It's mind blowing. Maybe you deserve to die if you can't see it. Or rather that is just the venting from those who are experiencing the ultimate frustration due to all these gullible people who still trust authority. This is why we can't have nice things.
Many smart people here on Hive are constantly doing research on these topics. Even if they come to 'ridiculous' conclusions, the data they acquire is usually legit. Many are saying the Darkest Winter is upon us, and clear and obvious genocide is on the itinerary. Hm, I hope not, but shit they keep getting proven right over and over again and the rabble keep going all 1984 on us:
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”.
And I'm not saying anyone should believe this shit, but you should put it on the backburner like I did and keep a lookout for more red flags as they continue to pop up. It's not like the world elite can afford to kill everyone and run the entire economy with robots and drones (yet). Doomsayer timelines, even when correct, are usually way too early. Don't forget, they have a plan for us, and it extends all the way to 2030:
You will own nothing, and you will be happy.
Sounds like a fucking Black Mirror episode, lol.
If any of this shit has even an iota of truth to it, the propaganda machine hasn't even begun to justify its own bullshit. We'll see what they are saying when people are forced to get their 10th vaccine booster, as those who do get sick and drop dead like flies, while the establishment constantly blames the unvaccinated for all of it. You know there is something wrong when the only solution is to get some experimental treatment in which all corporations went to great lengths to avoid legal responsibility for any kind of adverse health issues, suppressing all other remedies with obvious propaganda.
Hm yeah, but what if you're wrong though?
What if kids get a highly experimental vaccine for an illness that poses zero threat to them? What if the left wing is ironically turning into the most hypocritical authoritarian regime of all time via fear, cowardice, and manipulation? What if total deaths worldwide are fully within acceptable limits according to the CDC? What if corporations and governments continue pretending to care about the people when they prove time and time again that money and power are far more important? What if the inventor of the PCR testing is on record multiple times (and condemning Fauchi just as often) warning everyone that you can't use the test for this purpose... and then died six months before the pandemic hit?
Like... these things are already happening, right now. There is no fucking argument. They happened, they are happening, and they are getting worse. A lot worse. The slow motion train-wreck still hasn't even derailed even though it started in March 2020.
But what can I do?
Hm, that is the question isn't it? We are all very small and can't really do anything alone. When you see a tidal wave, you shouldn't try to fight it. This is something that is best avoided if possible. Don't buy any beachfront property.
This is basically a holdout, it is a literal game of survivor.
- Outwit
- Outplay
- Outlast
Luckily I feel like I was born to play this Squid Game, so even if it happens I get to have that bittersweet moment of "I told you so" followed by "wow, I'm really good at this". I've been seeing people fall to pieces around me and I think to myself: "Wow, you guys are soft; I could do this for another 5-10 years easy." And it very well may come to that. Global Reset 2030, yall. I'll see the winners of the Squid Game on the other side. May the odds be ever in your favor!

Perhaps this is supposed to happen?
Evolution can not happen without massive changes to the environment. This automatically creates mass extinction in combination with mass evolution. Evolution happens slowly, then all at once. When we look at everything going on in the world, it becomes very obvious that we are primed for evolution. The very centralized systems that have governed us for thousands of years have become outdated, and it only took a decade to get here.
As Theycallmedan has already explained time and time again, it takes an "alien invasion" in order to unite the clans and actually make real changes. That means that even if this "globalist depopulation agenda" bullshit really is happening for real... well shit... it just might be the best possible thing that could of happened. Humanity is a cancer upon Mother Earth, has been for quite some time now. The Purge is coming, one way or another, and those in charge would surely rather engineer a controlled demolition rather than let nature take its course randomly and completely out of their control.
There are dark times ahead. Did we really think that crypto would take over the entire economy in some kind of gumdrop unicorn rainbow fantasy utopia? No! Of course not. In order for the entire establishment to get disrupted back into the abyss: crazy shit is going to have to go down. Millions will die, billions if the conspiracy theory is accurate. It's gonna be pretty fun honestly. My life has been pretty boring up to this point.
But really when things look their darkest is exactly when people are the most motivated to work together, survive, and rebuild. It's going to be all about community going forward, and I'm glad I'm on this team. I feel very lucky about that.
My ultimate piece of advice: don't get greedy. Don't buy the Lambo. If you do, you've failed the Squid Game and will be "eliminated". We may be backed into a corner here soon enough. Keep your head down. Keep building. Keep making connections. You're gonna need them no matter what happens.
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