Learning the painful lessons.
Living in abundance is probably the hardest thing to do in a world full of scarcity and greed. However, when it comes to crypto, harmonizing on this critical wavelength might be ironically the most profitable thing we will ever accomplish.
I've been learning the hard way over and over again through these years of pump and dump cycles that acting through fear is exactly how the market is able to extract billions of dollars from retail investors. The market is psychic. When we buy, price dumps. When we sell, price spikes. That's not actually how it happens, but it's how our brains perceive reality.
Example of how our own minds deceive us:
Say the price of Bitcoin went from $20k to $18k to $25k. If we buy at $20k we tell ourselves we're the unluckiest trader alive because the market always dips when we buy. Then we get confirmation bias when the price dips to $18k. Indeed, we are the unluckiest trader alive.
However, if we choose to not buy, our brain completely ignores the dip to $18k ("it's going to crash more"). Then when the price spikes to $25k we are again the unluckiest trader alive because the price went up when we didn't buy. See how that works? No matter what happens our minds trick us into thinking we are super unlucky and the market always does the opposite of what we bet on. The timelines and volatility are always such that this line of false logic can be employed over 99% of the time.

Of course there's a lot more too it than that, but...
The real point here is that our entire line of thinking was/is rooted in scarcity and fear. That's why we lost money ironically: because we were trying to make money. If instead we were selflessly trying to build value for the network, the network would have rewarded us by design.
What does a volatile network want?
What does Hive want? What does Bitcoin want?
A volatile network seeks stability. It wants users to slowly sell as the price goes up and slowly buy as the price is going down. The network wants users to DCA, and the network hardly ever gets what it wants because people are greedy and they want to perfectly time the tops and bottoms and gamble their asses off for maximum gains. Then when shit goes sideways we panic and sell the bottom and make the problem even worse.
This greedy self-serving behavior is what causes all the problems and volatility in the first place. Very few people in this space have the self-control to make small moves at a time. When people make a decision they have a tendency to go all in on it looking for that maximum output based on the information at hand.
We can make way more money in the long run if we stop asking what we can do to enrich ourselves and instead ask what we can do to enrich the network as a whole. That means balanced positions and Dollar Cost Averaging based on current market value. It means being consistent and creating content every day, whether that content be a blog post or a full on app.
It sounds so easy, but much like looking at a price chart over the last ten years, we all know that studying the chart in retrospect and actually living the chart in real time are two completely different things. Those who do technical analysis on data they weren't actually around for are going to come to completely different conclusions than those who did.
Crypto is a cooperative.
None of the VCs, banks, corporations, or governments entering the space understand this even on its most basic and fundamental level. The entire world has been rooted in scarcity, fear, force, domination, and competition since the beginning of time. We are approaching a new era so quickly and so drastically that it rivals that of Jesus and Christianity itself. Don't be surprised when, "The year of our lord 2009," becomes the new Year Zero. The entire way society functions is going to change on a fundamental level.
The entire transitioning mindset of scarcity into abundance is going to be the most difficult transition humanity has ever made. It probably can't even happen until at least half of the people alive today have died off from old age. These things take time, but more importantly they require minds that haven't been completely brainwashed by the old system.
The best way to make money in crypto is to stop trying to aggrandize ourselves and instead attempt to build as much value for the network that we can without worrying about lining our own pockets with gold. In a world rooted in greed, this is no easy feat, but then again no one said this was going to be easy.
This strategy has failed many times before, but it will not fail when it comes to crypto; the proper incentives are finally going to be in alignment. Just look at Bill Gates and how he basically stole tech to get to where he is today. Look at all the open-source developers that were completely taken advantage of before crypto came along. The creator of E4M encryption has one of the most insane stories ever (from development nerd to Breaking Bad drug-lord).
The days of exploiting citizens who are willing to give everything they have and take only what they need (the true definition of communism) is coming to an end. Crypto is here to actually reward those citizens beyond their wildest dreams. It's only a matter of time before these dreams become reality.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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