So many weird things to talk about.
Let's just dump them all into a single post.
Shall we?

Alright so a few weeks back the gubment issued very weird warnings telling everyone to be prepared for the solar eclipse. Make sure you have food, water, and petrol on hand. Be prepared for high traffic... and some other random stuff I can't remember off the top of my head. The problem? As far as anyone can seem to remember there have never been warnings like this for an eclipse. It's got people wondering why Mr. Gubment chose this time to issue such serious warnings.
And then to top it all off, around April Fools Day a lot of news outlets started reporting on the fact that NASA is going to launch three rockets "into the eclipse". This news REALLY set off the conspiracy theorists. Things like "don't look at the eclipse T.H.E.Y. are going to make you sick". Just totally batshit type stuff. So what's up with that?
Ionosphere test
So... the electrified ionosphere is critical for wavelength signal communications around the globe... and these rockets will be testing the disruption that occurs within the rare event of the ionosphere thinning out while under the shadow of a solar eclipse. Hm! Okay well that's pretty weird but I suppose it's plausible.
Surely the problem that conspiracy theorists have with all this is that NASA isn't exactly a trustworthy source of information. Is it naïve to just take them at their word at face value and simply accept that this is what's happening? There are plenty of insider testimonials from NASA employees themselves that verify time and time again that they do not always represent the truth.
Do I think NASA is lying about these rockets? Not really, and I also have no reason to continue digging into the topic. I just think it's very odd that news outlets decided to pick up this story on literal April Fools Day. Why would anyone do that? Do you want people to think it's a joke? I don't get it.

FORBES: Why NASA Will Fire Three Rockets At The Solar Eclipse
Here's a report that went out a week ago so I guess it's not an April Fools joke!
Serpent Deity
The space agency’s project, Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path, will investigate how that drop in sunlight and temperature affects Earth’s upper atmosphere. APEP is named after the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, nemesis of the sun deity Ra, according to NASA.
Wow! Okay that is messed up. As someone who worships the Sun God Ra I'm actually pretty offended that NASA named this mission after the arch nemesis of my favorite God. That's super rude and offensive. These rockets must be stopped. Ra commands it.
Each rocket will eject four secondary instruments the size of a two-liter soda bottle that also measure the same data points, so it's similar to results from fifteen rockets, while only launching three.
The rockets will enter the ionosphere, where the air becomes electric.
four small scientific instruments measuring changes in electric and magnetic fields, density and temperature
NASA to Launch Sounding Rockets into Moon’s Shadow During Solar Eclipse
Here's the report that comes direct from a NASA government website...
These intervals are important to collect data on how the Sun’s sudden disappearance affects the ionosphere, creating disturbances that have the potential to interfere with our communications.
Now the truly weird thing about all this for me is that I just made $2000 in a single day x100 shorting Bitcoin because of Mercury going into retrograde. What do the crystals girls tell us about Mercury in retrograde? They tell us to expect disruptions in communications and technology. Also that the retrograde being in Aries makes it even more crazy, volatile, and YOLO.
So imagine my surprise when I hear that NASA is launching rockets "into the eclipse" (ionosphere) to study disruptions in communication. That is just weird AF. All I can say is that I'll be shorting Bitcoin hard again on April 7th. Thanks for the free money in advance, NASA and Sun God Ra.
To Study Atmosphere, NASA Rockets Will Fly into Oct. Eclipse’s Shadow
UPDATE: The three rockets comprising the APEP mission launched on Saturday, Oct. 14th at 10:00am, 10:35am, and 11:10am MT from White Sands Missile Range, and reached altitudes of 216 miles, 219 miles, and 218 miles (348 kilometers, 353 kilometers, and 352 kilometers), respectively. The PI reports good data from each rocket and all three payloads were successfully recovered to be reflown into the Total Solar Eclipse from Wallops Flight Facility on April 8, 2024.
As is mentioned in all three articles on the subject, this is not the first time this test has been conducted. This was done during the last solar eclipse on October 14th, 2023. In fact, the same rockets are going to be used for this test. Imagine my surprise that not a single one of these conspiracy theorists has mentioned that this has already been done before. Oops. Better luck next time fellas.
After these two eclipses, the next total solar eclipse over the contiguous U.S. is not until 2044, and the next annular eclipse is not until 2046. “We have to make hay while the Sun shines … or, I suppose for eclipse science, while it doesn’t,” Barjatya joked.
Wow we don't get another one for 20 years. Seems significant. Onto the next thing (finally).

A 7.4 scale quake hit Taiwan yesterday. I haven't heard anyone claim that this was a manmade attack yet, but it's only a matter of time. Taiwan is at the center of an extreme geo-political conflict between the USA and China because of their advanced chip production. An earthquake at this time is just too weird. Perfect opportunity to make up some crazy bullshit. But I will leave that job to my betters.
As a result of this quake, Japan also got a very serious tsunami warning, but the tsunami only ended up being 30 centimeters so that was a bit of a dud in terms of carnage. Better luck next time.

Blue rooftops
There's a VERY weird conspiracy theory about people painting things blue so that they don't end up destroyed. Started during the Maui fires and is now spreading to other areas of note. Tack onto this the Number of the Beast because the frequency 666 THz falls within the blue color range... which can be verified with a basic Google search.
It's all very biblical and "paint your door with lamb's blood so that the angel of death doesn't kill your firstborn" vibes.
Except in this case it means you side with the Devil so maybe don't do it? Apparently 666 is a lucky number in the East. Unclear.

Baltimore Bridge
So this container ship hit a bridge and completely and utterly 100% annihilated it. Of course conspiracy theorists think this is on purpose. So many weird logistic shipping accidents within the last four years. Can they really be all accidents?
I randomly talked to @disregardfiat about this who served in the Navy for 8 years. He seems to think it could have been totally accidental, which is saying something because of how conspiracy minded he tends to be. Still, something feels very weird about all of this.
First of all everyone declared it an accident immediately before any kind of proper investigation could have been done. I also saw a video of a guy claiming that the guy who cashed out on the 9/11 terrorist attacks is also the guy cashing out the insurance contract on this bridge.
I haven't fact checked that at all and I don't care to. He said the insurance contract was for "one trillion dollars". He might as well said it was for a "bajillion dollars" because there's no such thing as a $1T insurance claim. I looked up the biggest claims on Google and 9/11 was in the top ten at $50B... so obviously not a very reputable source.
And in this situation where you can see the pylon coming and you know it is disaster...
Two minutes into the video...
They run a simulation on what it would have been like for a ship like this to lose power in this way. The problem? In the simulation the ship is headed straight for the pylon right from the beginning. Yeah... that never happened. Obviously. The trajectory of the ship was totally fine. All it had to do was keep going straight. wtf?

So we really have to ask ourselves...
Why in the actual fuck would you misrepresent a simulation like that. It's just SO GOT DANG WEIRD FAM.
Without doing further research...
I don't know, but to me it looks like they panicked. They got emergency power online... which was just enough power to drop anchor but not enough to power the engines or move the rudder. But did the rudder need to be moved? Did the ship actually need power? I feel like a bit of a know-it-all for saying so but it seems like they could have been just fine if they just went full YOLO and didn't drop anchor. Did the ship really not have enough momentum to keep going straight? We'll just have to wait and see as more information comes out.
Regardless of all that it's sketchy as hell to run a simulation where the boat is already barreling toward the pylon BEFORE dropping anchor. Like, really? Why are you like this? At the same time, it's also correctly pointed out that cargo ships like this run on shoestring budgets to turn a profit. So adding a bit of toxic capitalism into the mix helps explain the reality of the situation.
Oh sorry was one collision not enough?
Days later another boat hits another bridge? What the actual fuck? Can we not?

CDC quietly rolls back COVID guidelines.
Straight from the horse's mouth: COVID is now the flu.
This advice is similar to what has been recommended for flu for decades.
Of course conspiracy theorists correctly classified it as the flu on day one. They also correctly pointed out that masks don't stop the person wearing it from getting sick (even if they might help reduce viral load in the air for those already infected). Wanna know how I figured out that brain-buster? The packaging on the side of the box-o-masks tells you. We literally had to test and prove this correct again even though we already knew the answer since long before COVID.
Meanwhile, I was canceled back in those days by multiple people who said I was spreading "dangerous misinformation". Has any single person come forward and apologized for being wrong and acting like a baby Nazi ready to violate the Nuremburg Code? No, of course not. Only silence, or better yet are the ones who demand forgiveness and/or act like the victim. Those guys are a special breed.
Why was the guidance updated?
We are in a different place with COVID-19 than we were.
Weekly hospital admissions for COVID-19 have decreased by more than 75% and deaths by more than 90% compared to January 2022. Importantly, these decreases have continued through a full respiratory virus season, despite levels of viral activity similar to prior years. Almost 98% of people in the United States have antibodies against COVID-19 because of prior vaccination, infection or both. We also have effective and widely available vaccines and treatment that work, but more than 95% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 this last season were not up to date on COVID-19 vaccines and most had not received antiviral treatment.
Why was the guidance updated?
Because fuck you that's why. lol. The guidance has been updated because whatever crazy ass experiment they have going has succeeded. Half the population is now doped up on a completely experimental medical technology. I look forward to seeing the results, whatever they may be.

Ivermectin Lawsuit
Yeah remember ivermectin? The horse paste? Ah well turns out that the blatant campaign against it was totally illegal... to the point of the FDA literally being sued and losing in court. Why did the establishment insist that ivermectin was not an appropriate drug to treat COVID? Because if they had admitted the truth then it would have been ILLEGAL to administer the COVID vaccine under the farce of emergency procedure. Conspiracy theorists won this battle and the war 10 out of 10 no misses: right down to the artificial creation in a lab via the very illegal bio-warfare practice called gain-of-function research.
The part that conspiracy theorists get wrong is this weird assumption that mRNA vaccines were purposefully designed to cull the population and kill of a bunch of people because of overpopulation. Real Georgia Guidestones type logic.
Yeah, that's obviously not true. There were 8 billion people before COVID and there are 8 billion people still. The true meaning of this experiment has yet to reveal itself, but the made up story I like to tell is that it will help people merge their minds with machines and AI. It's all very sci-fi.

Silk Road BTC
Silk Road coins are on the move to Coinbase. Just in the nick of time for retrograde and the solar eclipse and the halving event and Blackrock buying pressure and everything else. It's amazing to me that this guy just stored hardware wallets laying around the house. Like... seriously... what an idiot.
Both Ross Ulbricht and this James Zhong really did just keep their keys lying around in places that any government agent could snatch up. It just blows my mind that a person could do something that illegal with billions of dollars under their command and be so absolutely stupid about the security. There's no excuse. I patently await the day where someone who actually knows what they are doing simply refuses to give them the money... or even more likely tell them it was lost in a boating accident (hopefully not a cargo ship type one).

Well that's all folks! 2400 words... wow. There really was a lot to jam pack all into one post. It's been a while since I've done the conspiracy angle so it was fun to dip my toes back into the pond of lunacy.
- Eclipse rockets and disaster preparedness.
- Taiwan earthquake
- Blue rooftops
- Baltimore Bridge
- COVID & CDC guidelines & Ivermectin
- Silk Road
Gonna be doing 100% upvotes on comments this time for anyone who can provide particularly relevant information on the topics at hand.
Always nice to get a second opinion.
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