This is what I see when I witness two tribalist crypto communities fighting with one another. This is what I see when I hear the term Bitcoin or Ethereum Killer: Just a couple of idiot drunk parents fighting at a little league game over a meaningless competition that doesn't even exist. The kids on the field aren't even trying to win, but the parents are so blinded by their own ridiculousness that they project their own bullshit right onto the playing field, revealing them for just how ignorant they really are.
Of course within the context of crypto the game itself isn't even competitive, like baseball or any other team sport. Crypto is a known cooperative, yet the majority constantly fold cutthroat capitalism into the recipe. Everyone wins when we work together. That doesn't stop these Vulture Capitalists from thinking they know best. Everyone has their own perspective, and in the world of crypto that perspective is usually wrong.
How is it that 99% of people are wrong when it comes to crypto?
Quite simply crypto is like nothing the world has ever seen. It operates on a completely different wavelength than the one we've been acclimated to since birth. We are brainwashed into thinking that artificial scarcity is the norm. We are brainwashed into thinking that everything is a zero-sum game and there must be a loser. Abundance mindset teaches us otherwise, but as a wise Jedi-master once said:

He is too old to begin the training.
You must unlearn what you have learned.
And that's just a simple fact of life. Most people will never be able to undo the lifetime of brainwashing that has been instilled in them during their formative years. Only the people being born now are going to grow up in a world where open-source collaboration truly makes sense on a foundational level. Sadly, it will likely require that everyone alive today be dead or out of power before this thing really kicks into high gear. The sooner this revolution comes, the more violent and volatile it will be. This is the price that must be paid for progress.
Luckily the more crypto comes under attack by the REAL enemy (fiat) the more we will band together and realize that crypto doesn't compete with crypto. It clearly competes with the incumbent system.
We are at the ground floor, and there is room for infinite growth. Imagine what would happen if crypto gobbled up the entire incumbent system. The Market Cap would have to go somewhere between x100 and x1000. Now imagine that crypto can scale a thousand times bigger and better than the current system. Every dollar we put in today will be worth a million in twenty years once the old system is gone and the dinosaurs are dead.

Take a nice long dirt-nap, corporate America.
To reiterate, there is no such thing as an Ethereum killer. And if I'm wrong, that would be absolutely amazing. Think of what would actually have to happen for a million developers to suddenly realize: "you know what I'm going to work on this other chain instead" "that one that I have no experience on... fuck it!" That would be incredible, and it implies that the new thing that got built is magnitudes better than ETH. That's a win for humanity as a whole, there still is no competition, even in that scenario. Everyone wins.
At the end of the day ______ Killer is just a false narrative marketing ploy designed to get people excited about a new project. Every network must pick and choose their battles. It's a war of scaling and efficiency vs decentralization and trust. Anyone who promises both is simply lying or ignorant.
Don't be that guy. Don't be the Bat-Dad. That insufferable obnoxious parent at the little league game that's more concerned about "winning" than everyone having a good time. That's pure dipshittery, and everyone knows it.
This is not a competition. Crypto acts as the lifeboats for the Titanic legacy economy. The titanic is sinking, and one of these days the dinosaurs are going to demand you sell them a ticket. Don't give them a deal; make them pay for it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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