This has got to be the only thing bad I've said about CUB ever, even as the price has collapsed from $13 to 20 cents over the last year. I was very skeptical about the pendulum when I first heard about it, but I didn't really know much about it so I kept my mouth shut until now. Now after listening to a few LEO AMAs... I have serious and valid concerns regarding this "development".
The pendulum is good if used correctly.
The problem is, is that it won't be used correctly. It's being used to create a pump and dump and fuck over new users and the liquidity providers who are helping them to join in the first place.
The point of the pendulum is to allocate CUB yield to the areas it needs to go. That's a great idea. Fantastic. The problem? @khaleelkazi says the yield on the Kingdom is too low and yield needs to go from the LP pools to the kingdom. Really? REALLY?
Like no, we already tried this.
We already doubled the yield on the kingdom. What happened? More degens aped into the kingdom and we are now right back where we started. And what have we gained? Nothing, because CUB in the kingdom is worthless, while CUB in the LP pools provides the most valuable use-case: entrance and exit liquidity combined with stability.
So the plan is to choke the supply right when pCUB launches and we are expecting a bunch of demand? That's called a pump and dump boys and girls, and it's not a good way to play it; punishing new users and transferring the value they pump into the network to the LEO/CUB degens.

Anyone can look at the Den.
There are $3.2M in the single token staking pool.
The total market cap is $4.3M.
74.4% of all CUB is already in the kingdom
But we are going to manipulate yields to pump even more CUB into the kingdom? Am I taking crazy pills here? How the fuck is everyone on board with this? Greed. Such fucking greed. Very disappointing.
CUB needs more liquidity, not less.
We are expecting demand. LPs are AFRAID to provide liquidity, and for good reason. Impermeant losses are going to hit hard because people are buying. So our 'solution' to that problem is the punish the liquidity providers, choke the supply, and pump the token only so it can dump later? Yeah, great plan. Amazing plan. I love that.
Listening to the AMA right now...
I'm just at a bit loss for words on this one. Why would we allocate more yield to the kingdom just because degens are greedy and putting their money into the kingdom? People are greedy and thus we should cater to that greed and reward it to the detriment of the protocol? Woof.
Out of my element?
So rather than just posting this blindly I decided to, you know, 'use my words'. Always good to invoke the advice you'd give a raging toddler.

Babyrage subsiding?
Hm yeah so I've been told I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Guess we'll find out. Either way, like I said, I expect CUB and LEO above $1 within a month or two (one). Hard to complain, but here I am complaining.
I'm providing a lot of liquidity to CUB, and I feel like I'm being told my contribution to CUB is less important than the greedy people who refuse to accept impermanent losses and are just holding it as a moonbag while providing no value to the protocol other than hoping the price goes 10x.
Perhaps I'm just as greedy as everyone else, but when I hear that we are expecting massive demand and the answer to this problem is to choke supply... I get pretty damn skeptical. Call me crazy. Either way it will be a fun roller coaster to ride. Playing with fire. Soon™
Even if you hate Tom Hanks Cast Away is the perfect movie to watch because it's just him getting fucked over for two hours. WILSON!
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