First thing I did was get access to Binance Smart Chain using Metamask:
Binance Smart Chain
bLEO Contract address

Wrapping LEO to bLEO:
Click the above link... Binance smart chain will use the same private keys as the Ethereum network. You don't need to make new wallets. All of the wallets on Ethereum that you control the keys to also control the same keys on BSC. This means we can use Hardware wallets in conjunction with Metamask to secure our bLEO on a completely different chain. Pretty nifty stuff.

Now that I have bLEO on BSC I can do DeFi stuff.
Actually not...
I had to get some BNB to pay the gas fees.
Luckily I know peoples.
Thanks @rishi556.
Also possible to get with a Binance account.
(Have to use VPN if in USA and various other countries.)
- Bought some more BNB gas.
- Bought some CUB.
- Add CUB to Metamask tokens.

Okay I bet I can do DeFi stuff now...

Dens & Farms

Don't know, don't care: let's go
27700% APR? Sign me up!
BUSD Contract address.
Alright so in order to "farm" this x40 CUB/BUSD option I had to buy an equal amount of BUSD and then add that plus the CUB to the liquidity pool. Only after I had liquidity tokens was I allowed to stake them in the farm for 27700%. Not sure what the rules are here I'll need to read more and report tomorrow.
Threw the rest of my CUB into the 'den'.

This option is 'only' 10x but it doesn't require the assets to be pooled. I was able to stake the CUB by itself and earn yield.
Gonna kill it here... Learn more... I'll report more tomorrow. Airdrops should be out by then.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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