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Normally I would write a long winded introduction for something like this like I always do, but this time words are definitively counterproductive, as the purpose of this post is to save players time in finding the alters in Dibalo IV. So let's get right to it.
I was able to find all the altars of Lilith yesterday and it was a huge pain in the ass because every single map I looked at (over a dozen) was zoomed out and not 100% clear as to exactly where the damned things were located. So I'm gonna rehash it zone by zone and hopefully it will save someone the same frustration I experienced trying to farm these 160 altars of Lilith.
Some useful info on Blizzard forums:
- There’s 160 altars in total.
- 4 of which are paragon points,
- 20 of which are max orbols.
- That leaves 136 altars for stats,
- divided by 4 stats which is 34,
- times 2 because it gives 2 of the stat each,
- 68 of each stats.
I'm honestly shocked they missed the easiest opportunity in the world to make it 66 stats each after the official launch on 6/6. Too bad so sad. Swing and a miss.

Scosglen >> Northshore (4+1)
Starting in the northwest side of the map we see there are 4 altars of Lilith in Northshore and one up in Hope's Light. We can see the seam where I copy/pasted one map on top of the other. It's not perfect but it will be a lot better than the other guides in actually being able to find these things, as they are purposefully hidden throughout the world.
For example, altars on the coast are often hidden in a cove and in zoomed out versions it's impossible to see where or even that a cove exists because the icon is blocking the view. Luckily these screenshots I'll be taking can be easily zoomed in to see exactly where these things are.
Five down.
155 to go.

Scosglen >> Wailing Hills (3)
The priority to get these altars of Lilith is pretty high in hardcore mode, which is the character I'm using to SS these maps. Figured I'd need to do this now before I died and lost it all. Of course now that I've found all the altars of Lilith I'll never have to find them again and all my level 1 heroes will start with +68 to all stats, +5 potion capacity (9 total) and +10 skill-points, which is a huge advantage in a game where dying means dead forever and starting a new character is quite probable. A nice bonus to be sure.
8 down. 152 to go.

Scosglen >> Deep Forest (4)
That one on the border might turn out to be the Dry Steppes. I guess we'll find out later as there are 34 in this zone total.
12 down. 148 to go.

Scosglen >> Westering Lowlands (3)
Praise be to Akarat! This zone only has 3 altars but they all fit in a single screen shot. Lining these things up was much more difficult than expected. I guess I should be using something fancier than MS Paint. But I don't care enough to make it look prettier. This post is only meant to help save players' time to find these damn things. Imagine trying to find them all without "cheating". Yikes!
15 down. 145 to go.

Scosglen >> The Emerald Chase (3)
These three are very easy to get early in the game because they're in a starting zone next to a waypoint you'll find in the early game.
18 down. 142 to go.

Scosglen >> The Downs (3)
Another 3 easy ones.
21 Downs. 139 to go.

Scosglen >> Highland Wilds (6)
It's becoming quite apparent why no one has ever done it this way. Sure, composing these maps will take forever but farming these damn altars is quite the grind. Even if you find one every 2 minutes that's 320 minutes aka over five hours. This guide can probably save anyone who uses at like 30-60 minutes of running around wondering where the damn thing is actually hidden. Of course if the goal is to save time then you're actually not reading this. Good for you, friend.
27 down. 133 to go.

Scosglen >> Strand (3)
I personally have no idea how long it took me to find all the altars of Lilith because I was running around doing ADHD things the entire time. Tree of Whispers and other events... side-quests... Needless to say I now have a level 52 hardcore sorceress and I still haven't been to Nightmare mode yet.
30 down 130 to go.

Scosglen >> The Shrouded Moors (3+1)
Finding all the altars of Lilith also requires you to complete most (if not all) of the strongholds in an area. Because each stronghold gives 100 renown and simply discovering a new area gives 5 renown (and altars of Lilith give 10)... basically grinding all these altars of Lilith out will automatically give you the +5 potions and 10 stat points as a free bonus for your troubles in addition to the +68 to all four stats.
Coincidentally enough that +1 up in the Moordaine Lodge looks like such a stronghold. After it's defeated the terrain changes and often a small encampment will take its place. It's all very Far Cry in that respect.
34 down. 126 to go.

Fractured Peaks >> Desolate Highlands (4)
Hurray look at that we finally made it out of Scosglen. Only four more zones to go. Yikes. Woof. Just when I thought this grind had ended I decided to make this post. Typical me.
38 down. 122 to go.

Fractured Peaks >> Dobrev-Taiga (3)
Again the north one has unmistakable stronghold vibes. These altars of Lilith are often blocked off until you complete the challenge. This can be annoying or a nice vacation from the altar of Lilith grind.
41 down. 119 to go.

Fractured Peaks >> Gale Valley (3)
As someone who's already farmed 160 altars of Lilith I can confirm that having them broken up like this is quite convenient. There are so many altars of Lilith on the borders of zones or on the edge of a cliff that sometimes you'll end up going to the wrong side of a mountain to get where you thought you needed to be. Super annoying. Doing it zone by zone is much easier.
44 down. 116 to go.

Fractured Peaks >> Frigid Expanse (5+1)
As the very first starting zone all of these altars of Lilith can easily be acquired at level 1. Of course by the time you actually get to them you'll probably already be in the 5-10 range or higher. There's a lot of them in this area but it's very easy to miss them as quest paths tend to lead you right past them without even noticing.
The +1 outside the zone is once again a stronghold (15 total).
50 down. 110 to go.

Fractured Peaks >> Seat of the Heavens (3)
This is where our anti-hero the angel Inarius hangs out and orders all the religious zealots around with a very mightier-than-thou attitude. Can you blame him? He was an angel that was tortured in hell for a couple thousand years. Salty.
53 down. 107 to go.

Fractured Peaks >> Sarkova Pass (4+1)
Yes, it's all very Slavic, with accents to match. Like being in a James Bond movie or something.
Again the +1 is a stronghold that needs defeating.
58 down. 102 to go.

Fractured Peaks >> The Pallid Glade (3+1)
Our last sub-zone of Fractured peaks also contains the third and final stronghold of the zone. Tread carefully.
62 down. 98 to go.

Dry Steppes >> Kotama Grasslands (4)
Might need to click this one and zoom in a bit or download it directly. Dry Steppes is a big place.
66 down. 94 to go.

Dry Steppes >> Tusmaa Rift (2)
It's places like this that enraged me into creating this walkthrough in the first place. The zoomed out version is quite difficult to see. Take my word for it.
68 down. 92 to go.

Dry Steppes >> Khargai Crags (4+1)
If I say altars of Lilith enough times do you think that helps my SEO (search engine optimization)? Hopefully! Altars of Lilith. Diablo 4. D4 Diablo IV. Altars. Blizzard. Google gods hear my call.
73 down. 87 to go.

Dry Steppes >> Chambatar Ridge (3)
Not even half way done but I assure you I've thought about taking a break and finishing this tomorrow and simply continue playing the game. Of course if I die on my sorceress I lose the map and the thought of needing to explore every area all over again instills righteous fear into my heart.
Turns out there are a lot of random places to explore that are difficult to see. I recommend not doing what I did and completing it on an account that hasn't skipped the main questline, as many of those quests take you to the aforementioned areas.
76 down. 84 to go.

Dry Steppes >> Jakha Basin (3)
Everyone says don't play the game in Veteran mode because you can power through the normal world tier 1 quicker and level up slightly faster if not at the same speed as Veteran (world tier 2).
I feel like this is probably true for your very first character but there's no way it's true for a character with +68 to all stats and free weapons that you farmed on your main. I can basically still one shot everything on veteran which essentially just gives an extra +20% XP at that point.
79 down. 81 to go.

Dry Steppes >> Accursed Wastes (2+1)
Our first stronghold in the Steppes. Only 2 left.
82 down. 78 to go.
The Flippenning is upon us.
Half way done

Dry Steppes >> Untamed Scarps (4+1)
Two strongholds in a row. That's pretty uncommon. It won't happen again.
87 down. 73 to go.

Dry Steppes >> Fields of Hatred (1)
That's right fam.
I had to go into the PvP zone on this one.
In hardcore mode.
Unsurprisingly I never saw a single other player ever (across both zones).
There are 3 more in the other Fields of Hatred.
Keep a scroll of escape handy just in case, eh?
88 down. 72 to go.

Dry Steppes >> The Scarred Coast (4)
+movespeed is surprisingly good in this game, not just for running away and kiting but also for simply running to where you need to go. If you can run 20% faster you'll also get 20% more XP assuming you can kill everything at relatively the same speed after swapping out your gear. Considering typically only boots and amulet increase run-speed you usually don't lose much trying to stack it. Something to think about.
92 down. 68 to go.

Dry Steppes >> Dindai Flats (3)
The final sub-zone for a grand total of 33 altars of Lilith in Dry Steppes. Counted again just to make sure. Surprising I haven't made a mistake yet. Hopefully that signals that others will find this useful and organized. It's very easy to lose count on a single map that shows everything.
95 down. 65 to go.

Kehjistan >> Amber Sands (7+1)
Kehjistan doesn't mess around as the first zone has eight altars of Lilith if we include the the stronghold, which I am.
Just to make sure the numbers are on track.
- Fractured Peaks: 28
- Cerrigar: 34
- Dry Steppes: 33
- Kehjistan: 31
- Hawezar: 34
They are.
103 down. 57 to go.

Kehjistan >> Ragged Coastline (4)
Following down to the west coast we've got four more. Again a lot of these ones are difficult to find on a more zoomed out map. If you haven't noticed by now I'm trying to align the blue boxes in such a way that puts more surface area on the entrance. Hope that helps.
107 down. 53 to go.

Kehjistan >> Southern Expanse (5+1)
Look ma I'm on TV! Yep that's where I've been standing for the last 5 hours as I write this post. I told myself I'd crop such things out of the screenshot but I guess I'm too vain for that. We all have our flaws.
113 down. 47 to go.

Kehjistan >> Fields of Hatred (3)
Indeed there is a second field of Hatred, and this one is even more terrifying than the last one because it has 3 different altars of Lilith that need finding. Of course as I said again I saw zero players here. Nobody wants to risk it all. Understandable. Bring a scroll of escape just in case you see any psychos.
116 down. 44 to go.
Kehjistan >> Caldeum (3)
So close but yet so far. This zone is sadly beget by many a tragedy. Such is the outcome of hell being unleashed on the world.
119 down. 41 to go.

Kehjistan >> Scouring Sands (6+1)
Fun story: that area in the north up there is new. Wanna know how I know? Because the map I was using didn't have that altar of Lilith present and the entire area was just a mountain (also pathing is bugged in new areas). Guess how long it took me to figure out why I only had one altar left to get in Kehjistan? I don't even remember. Only my anger remains!
126 down. 34 to go.
Onto Hawezar!

Hawezar >> Umir Plateau (4+1)
Be careful. The Swamp is alive.
131 down. 29 to go.
Hawezar >> Dismal Foothills (4+1)
Luckily Hawezar is one of the easiest places to explore. I actually completed that achievement quite on accident. Can't say the same for the other zones.
136 down. 24 to go.

Hawezar >> Fethis Wetlands (4)
Don't forget to bring your poison resist because this place is venomous. And just dirty and gross too while we're talking about it. At least it's not the swamp though amirite?
140 down. 20 to go.

Hawezar >> Toxic Fens (4+1)
Ah so close I can taste it. Will this post ever end? Soon™
145 down. 15 to go.

Hawezar >> Forsaken Coastline (3)
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
148 down. 12 to go.
Hawezar >> Blightmarsh (4+1)
In my haste to get this done I forgot to add that stronghold to the appropriate zone. Adding it to this one is fine I guess even though it's not directly connected like the other two.
153 down. 7 to go.
Hawezar >> Rotspill Delta
This area is just as lovely as it sounds. Final stretch confirmed.
154 down. 4 to go.
Hawezar >> The Writhing Mire.
The perfect ending to the perfect vacation destination.
160 down. 0 to go.
I'm shocked that I never lost count.
I guess that's what happens when you organize it zone by zone instead of plopping everything onto a huge map. Hopefully this walkthrough helps a few people (like @enjar or maybe @adicyo) escape the frustration of trying to find these very important permanent account upgrades in Diablo 4. Although I guess the ultimate goal is to drive traffic from the outside coming in.
Hopefully this post will end up being evergreen content and will help a lot of Diablo 4 players with the altar grind. I'll make changes to it when relevant to make sure it doesn't become outdated.
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