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DrugWars: Battle System Revised

## I'll give a full upvote to anyone who provides new information about how the @drugwars battle system works.

I'm on full tilt right now. I've been selling out all my accounts for days. I've been building my armies across six accounts and throwing money at the heist constantly so that I wouldn't be a target.

Now, the battle system has been changed without warning and I've lost 4 of my 6 armies... AGAIN. So fucking annoyed right now.

drugwars-battle1.png drugwars-battle2.png

Take these old battles for example. It's very obvious that my Ninja struck one time and killed 5 bouncers in one hit. I was counting on this and was building all the good units on all my accounts, thinking they would easily kill a zerg rush coming my way.

  • Big mama
  • Bazooka Guy
  • Merc

Well, guess what happened? Overkill happened.



So now you can kill a Merc and only lose a single Rowdy.
Thanks for letting us know this was happening @drugwars... lol.

Expect the battle system to change multiple times more in the future.
There is still a lot of stuff that makes zero sense.


Take this old battle for example... If my sniper has a long range and a ninja is melee, and my sniper can kill the ninja in one shot, then why did my sniper die?

It's impossible to save up any resources to make the good buildings... pretty annoying. Not as annoying as this game turning into battle of the rowdy armies.


By the way, I was thinking this new statistic was how much supply the unit would cost because they were talking about capping the supply back when battles returned to the game. In fact, this number is how big the inventory of the unit is. When battles first opened, a single rowdy could steal the full 30% from a player. That got exploited pretty hard. Now you have to win with a large force to steal a good amount of resources. Super Bouncers are the best unit to stack in this regard because they are cheap and can carry 400 of each resource back to your base.

Stock up on Rowdy units. A single rowdy with 2 armor now absorbs the 145 damage blast from a bazooka guy... because why would a bazooka guy do AOE or trample damage?

:D so tilted.

If you have any info about how the @drugwars battle system works, please comment below.

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DrugWars: Battle System Revised was published on and last updated on 06 Mar 2019.