Which one of these custom JSON operations is not a valid @drugwars command?
Spoiler alert:
It's the middle one...
because I copied and pasted the username in caps from the @drugwars client.
Damn you @MALUELI69! Feel the wrath of my NINJA!!!!11
In any case,
I just now got my first attack to work by broadcasting my own JSON to the blockchain.
Holy god, is that structure convoluted or what?

Look at how much simpler it is to add drugs to the heist, upgrade a building, and train a unit.
Why did they change "username" to "author"?
Why did they change "unit" to "key"?
(probably because there are multiple in some kind of dictionary structure)
Why does the "target" need its own object?
Why are both "unit_amount" and "amount" used?
Why is the battle id "drugwars" instead of something like "dw-battle"?
Couldn't tell you.
They are probably just shredding code 24/7.
I'll tell you one thing: They are making more progress than I am.
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