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DrugWars: Order of Operations Change

Verified by https://simulator.drugwars.io/

  1. Rowdy
  2. Bouncer
  3. Knifer
  4. Ninja
  5. Big Mama
  6. Gunman
  7. Sniper
  8. Hitman
  9. Bazooka
  10. Mercenary

This makes ninjas very vulnerable because they are pretty expensive for how much they cost to make. Snipers can kill ninjas at a 2:1 kill:death ratio and they cost half as much to create.

I'm starting to make some enemies in the game.

Shit List:


You three are done, son. I have ten accounts.

drugwars-battle-moneybaby1.png drugwars-battle-moneybaby2.pngdrugwars-battle-moneybaby3.png

I hope that 179k resources was worth it @moneybaby. You will never build an army again.

I've set up a sound effect on my @drugwars script.
Now every time one of my accounts gets attacked the OG Mortal Combat "FATALITY!" sound effect plays.


LOL, so bad.

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DrugWars: Order of Operations Change was published on and last updated on 10 Mar 2019.