Battles will be available in less than 48h, precisely on Saturday at midnight with the new client.
The storage is now protecting 25% of your resources.
In result the attackers can steal a maximum of 30% of the 75% which are not safe.
When you get attacked and lose, a protection system will be automatically deployed on your base, avoiding any attacks for 12 hours.
In the very near future the Army that will leave for the war will be limited to 200 population (each units having differents population cost) so that the top players with the most killer attacks won’t just throw their huge army but they will have to be tactical as well.
I find this interesting. Starcraft uses this same supply cap of 200.
This cap will create interesting situations and promote combat on multiple fronts. It will add strategy by not allowing big accounts to simply rampage lesser accounts.
I'm still left wondering how many resources will get stolen in the event of a loss. It says up to 30% what what would cause it to be less than 30%? I guess we'll find out.
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