### So my roommate was talking to me about how people are trying to project how many have died from Corona Virus by measuring sulfur in the air. My roommate kind of a bull-shitter so I looked it up on my own.

Evidence suggests that crematoriums are running 24×7 and burning thousands of infected dead bodies in a day.
So to account for the rise in sulfur dioxide levels around Wuhan, one would have to burn 13,968 bodies.
I'm not going to research this more to vouch for it's credibility.
What fun would that be?
I really have to wonder if this is just a little taste of the hardships humanity will have to endure over the next decade. The stars are aligning against us it seems. We're due for a monster financial crisis as the stock market bubbles to new all time highs. The military industrial complex is just as busy as ever trying to enslave the world. Kudos to them for doing such a good job.
Yada yada yada.
Here's the top comment on that article:
Why can't they just be straight up and report the facts as they are? Politics - A cesspool of the vilest of human beings and their self serving disgusting behaviour.
I don't even know how to unpack that. Because America is so great? Perhaps the reason you keep it quiet is to prevent widespread panic and riots? Not saying that's a good reason, just not one that's based on profit margins (Just kidding it totally is. Riots are expensive.)
I guess deep down I know that the same people who make comments like that are the first ones to be corrupted by the power they claim to despise.
Yep, that sounds about right.
Posted via Steemleo
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