Ever since Bitcoin spiked to $20k I've been predicting the next bull run to be June/July. Days before Tron and EOS mainnets launch we see a FUD flood, and I couldn't be happier about it.
Bitcoin to bottom out at $5700
Fed says Bitcoin is worth $1800
ETC ETC ETC it seems never ending.
You know what I think when I see reports like this? That the bull run I've been predicting this whole time is right around the corner. The news is trying to eliminate weak hands so smart money can get in at the bottom.
First of all, why would Bitcoin dip under $6000? The biggest dumps are followed by the biggest pumps. Crypto might be volatile, but it is also predictable. All these articles throw out numbers with zero reasoning behind them. It's almost like they know how much news affects the market and they are trying to change the value of Bitcoin by force of will alone.
You know what I think? The bottoms are ascending, not descending. This isn't a bear market, we've been in a bull market this whole time (with one huge correction from 20K to 6K). In Feb Bitcoin bottomed at $6000. In April Bitcoin bottomed at $6600. In my opinion, we are approaching a new bottom at $7200. An explosion of Summer technology will pump the market very soon™.
EOS, Tron, VeChain, SMTs, Casper, Lightning Network, ...
Traditionally, a lot of ICOs normally dump at launch and don't gain value until later. A lot of people are worried about this. I don't know much about Tron, but I do know a lot about EOS. To compare EOS to all the other ICOs out there just seems flat out ridiculous.
First of all, the USA and China were technically banned from the EOS ICO. You had to spoof your IP to another country to register your coins. Second, EOS ERC-20 tokens come with zero guarantee, it's a total promise coin. Third, Block.One has an airdrop business model. Fourth, EOS is trying to solve the blockchain's biggest barriers to mainstream adoption: scalability and interoperability.
Because of these reasons, trying to compare EOS to a run-of-the-mill Ethereum shitcoin seems downright laughable to me. Sure, there could still be a dump when the mainnet launches, but there is also a chance that it spikes up out of control. One thing is certain, no one expects the price to stay where it's at. All you have to do is look at which direction it's going on launch day and extrapolate.
Of all coins in existence right now, I am the most bullish on EOS, and we are so so close to seeing a mainnet launch. The yearlong ICO phase has been great for decentralization and the Block.One team constantly reports that everything is going as planned. Sure, they could lie... but the project is also open source on github with an active testnet... so we certainly have reason to trust them for more than one reason.
Age of Abundance
No one has to starve. We have the technology to feed and house everyone on the planet. However, the way the system is currently set up is to centralize power and step on the backs of the poor. The proletarian class has been cleverly enslaved by invisible chains. The foundation of this artificial scarcity farce revolves around money.
Technology and production are exploding at an exponential rate while wages remain linear. Greed has reached its apex and many people believe that our unsustainable economic model of cancerous growth is soon coming to an end.
Lines are being drawn. You either believe that cryptocurrency is the answer to this global epidemic or you don't. In all honesty, the majority of the population is blissfully unaware of the situation entirely.
Price action doesn't matter
The short term value of the blockchain does not matter in the least bit. If you trust that blockchain tech is the solution to rampant worldwide corruption you should support it no matter what. It really is as simple as that once you put all the pieces together.
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