Changing perspectives.
Whenever I look at society out of the window of a plane, I'm always like, "Wow, we are such ants." Humanity has evolved to a new level, starting with the industrial revolution. We've been very much struggling ever since the 1800's to acclimate to this new way of life. To be fair, we obviously "struggled" quite a bit more before industry came into play, but this new struggle is a different breed.

The new struggle...
Is a struggle that involves scaling up and resource distribution. Ironically, money becomes less valuable if only a few people have access to it. Unfortunately, only a few people have access to money when 97% of the population trades their time for money, living paycheck to paycheck, and the remaining 3% are the ones hiring them, trying to turn that labor into more money for themselves.
Everyone knows that the key to a strong society is a strong middle class. Everyone can see that the middle class is disappearing. Not good. Even as technology skyrockets out of control we can clearly see society collapsing around us. How is this happening. Why? Can devs do something? Unfortunately, the devs of society are politicians, and it's quite clear that politicians have failed in essentially every possible way there is to fail (except for enriching themselves and their peers). Centralization has failed. It always fails eventually. It's time to rebuild.

This post is neither about Hive, nor tribes on Hive.
Weird right? That we chose that exact language within our own system. Humanity needs to become an efficient hive. To do that we need to get rid of these tribalistic tendencies, stop competing, and start cooperating. Easier said than done I'm afraid.

When we look at hives that occur in nature, like a bee hive or an ant colony, what do we see? Can we copy that model? Nope. That model has already failed us. Hives in nature are governed by instinct and strong centralized leadership (queen). This model has failed us miserably. It's a model that only works when the drones only have enough brain-power to follow instructions (no wonder why society dumbs people down on purpose). It's what has caused all the problems. We need a new solution, and crypto is that solution. Leadership must be dispersed.
Society can not scale up to greater heights in this current state. Work ethic and the middle class have been utterly destroyed by the concept of being an employee and trading time for money. This isn't the 1950's. This model hasn't worked for a long long time. The game is rigged, and it just keeps getting more rigged. We need something new.

Taking back direct control of currency is only the very beginning. To be fair it needs to happen, and it is a huge accomplishment, but so much more work needs to be done after. The infrastructure of money itself is only a tiny sliver of the economy. In fact, the only thing money is good for is buying the things that money buys.
Money has no intrinsic value.
If you have a trillion dollars on a deserted island, you'd trade it all just to survive those harsh conditions (and no one would be around to make the trade). Just like in crypto: a network containing one node is not a network at all. Without the products and services available for trade, money becomes completely worthless.
So what do we have now.
We have small tribes vying for control. The most common tribes are family and friends. After that, perhaps business partners. Perhaps even niche communities like the local church. But for the most part we've lost access to many of our tribes and community aspects. Going to church is not really a thing anymore, at least not like it was a hundred years ago. People don't care about their next-door neighbors, let alone the people living in their town. There are very few ways left to actually build these connections. Too many people, too much apathy and animosity.

Have you ever noticed that the most population-dense areas also have the most insane drivers (and perhaps people themselves)? Try visiting Los Angeles or New Jersey and you'll see what I mean. Whenever I see a New Jersey license plate (now that I live in PA) I'm like, "Oh shit here we go, what they gonna do?"
People were not meant to live in these conditions, yet here we are living in them. The environment has changed. We changed it, but weirdly enough we haven't evolved to our own changes that we made by choice. We haven't even fully evolved to simple things like consuming dairy products. A huge percentage of the population is still slightly allergic, but we still keep consuming the products regardless of how toxic they are to us in the long term. Tenacious humans I tell ya. Such savage ridiculous monkeys running around doing monkey things. Eating poison and loving it.
What even is a town?
I've been meaning to write a completely separate post on this, but like, what do people even want? What is a town and how have they evolved over the last 30 years? The answer is... not much. We've got shops and living quarters and water/gas/electric/wifi. The only thing that's really changed is the Internet honestly. The needs of people are simple. Towns have the same basic infrastructure that they had a hundred years ago. Need firemen, need cops (defund the police state). It's actually weird that there's been so little change when we look at a town now and a hundred years ago.

Society has failed to scale and systemic corruption is everywhere. This is a non-contestable fact. Crypto is the solution to many of these scaling issues, but we simply don't have the infrastructure in place to make the upgrade. Until then we'll be in this super awkward transition phase where over half the population just thinks the entire thing is a scam or a fad (just like the Internet, but even worse).
The social structure of humanity itself needs to evolve. Tribes and tribalism have failed us. We need to scale up into a system where there's far less competition and far more collaboration. What better way to accomplish these goals than with a technology that directly monetizes open-source development distributes power/value back to the communities themselves? Humanity will become the hive that it wished it always was. It's only a matter of time now.
Crypto is the miracle invention that appeared anonymously right when we needed it most. Coincidence? Or could we have made the exact same statement thirty years ago?

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