Today is a great day to short Bitcoin if you're a fan of ol' Craigy; for tomorrow he will prove ownership of the Satoshi Nakamoto title and the "Tulip Trust" by handing over the private keys of 1M Bitcoin to a judge so he can immediately lose half of his holdings in a court battle.
Yeah... Right!
Doesn't sound like a very likely outcome, yet traders are still hedge-betting it like it's real.
All of these shorts (and Bitcoin SV longs) are going to get squeezed tomorrow.
Craig Wright: Intellectual Narcissist
Within the last few days Craig Wright has bragged about knowing who the whale is that pumped Bitcoin SV. He is essentially teasing the idea that he's got the connections for a direct line of insider trading to his own project. He leaves the statement so vague that he would deny ever saying such a thing. The guy is a like a trained lawyer with this words.
99.999999% sure you'll have the private keys?
Not 100%? lol.
What's really happening?
He stole his late partner's money. The brother is now suing him. He deflects by saying the money he's looking for is the premine of Satoshi Nakamoto, and everyone gobbles that up hook, line, and sinker, and no one is looking for Craig Wright's actual holdings.
It's all in that "Tulip Trust" and I have no access to it.
Damn, that is some shit.
How can Craig Wright possibly lose this case?
He's just going to keep claiming the money is in an inaccessible trust set up by companies that were liquidated by bankruptcy and the information was lost forever. And he's gloating in our faces giving us all the information we need to know the truth. This guy has the personality profile of a serial killer if he had a little more violence in him. Craig Wright likes to play with his food like a cat.
I'm still interested to see how it all turns out.
The email was apparently received on Thursday, the 24th of June, 2011, which Freedman showed to actually be a Friday. Furthermore, the document contained a Calibri font copyrighted by Microsoft in 2015.

Guess what font that is, y'all?
GOOGLE SEARCH: default font microsoft paint

Is Craig Wright forging documents by himself with MS Paint on Windows? Old documents submitted by Wright's lawyers with a font invented in 2015... that just happens to be an obscure default font on a program that modifies images. Amazing, Craig Wright has some balls, y'all.
I hope he wins.
The universe has a cosmic sense of humor.
Posted via Steemleo
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