I've actually been wanting to write this post for months now. It's just been sitting on the backburner in an unnamed text file where I keep all my ideas for random posts. Only after my last post about potential links between certain conspiracy theories and racism/tribalism does it seem more prescient.
No, I did not use that word correctly.
Thanks for asking.
Anti-Tribalism: Finding our similarities
So this Saturday Night Live ("Black Jeopardy") cracks me up for multiple reasons. The most pressing variable here is that it's Tom Hanks, which is truly comical. Not because Tom Hanks is particularly funny, but because there's a hardcore conspiracy revolving around him that paints him as a high ranking Illuminate Deep State pedophile.
Hm, yeah... so that's weird.
Lots of odd stuff to unpack there that I'm not going to touch with a ten foot pole.
In any case, SNL is known for its liberal politics and othering of Trump supporters (or really anyone on the right). That's Hollywood culture for you. So it really does come as a surprise that they would do a skit like this where similarities between both sides are being somewhat celebrated.
We have more in common than we have differences.
Even a banana shares 60% of the exact same genetic code as a human. Which is... obviously mind blowing.

Tribalism is toxic
Tribalism only makes sense in the context of scarcity. The pyramid of resource distribution that we've seen since the dawn of time has extreme diminishing returns. I should probably do an entire post on dumpster diving alone. Do you have any idea how many resources just get thrown in a landfill rather than given to the needy? It's mind-blowing.
This is why it is so deeply disappointing that Bitcoin maximalists went and did the exact thing that they said they would never do: try to centralize money itself. I guess people just can't help themselves. If there's one thing we can count on, it's greed.

What is the goal of cryptocurrency?
Like any economic system, the goal of crypto is to SCALE
. To get bigger; to expand; to inflate; to overrun the old archaic legacy systems. Easier said than done I'm afraid.
We all have to make choices.
Even though crypto is about automating out the middle man and eliminating the need for trusted third parties and intermediaries, we still have to pick people that we think we can trust. This is especially true during these early stages of the game. Don't forget: Bitcoin is a thirteen year old. A very trustworthy and mature 13 year old, to be sure, but still a 13 year old, nonetheless. We can not trust a 13 year old to solve all our problems.
It becomes clear that we must hitch our wagons to multiple horses. What apps do we trust? What networks do we trust? What people do we trust? These are all decisions we must make on our own, but I do have some personal guidelines worth sharing:
- Don't trust entities that are tribalist. There's no reason to compete in a borderless digital realm with infinite possibilities. If a person or network claims they are going "kill XYZ" token, they are either ignorant or just straight up lying, and there's no reason to give them any of your time.
- Don't trust premines. I feel like this is obvious but still it needs to be said. Centralized stake holdings are never going to end well. We already know this from experience, but it's worth mentioning regardless. This is why something like Ragnarok that's being 100% airdropped to the community is so refreshing.
- Stop chasing shiny new things. New projects are dumb. Development takes FOREVER (if you haven't noticed). You should only get involved in a new project if you're actively involved in actually using it. Raw speculation has extremely negative diminishing returns the vast majority of the time.
- Diversity is important. Look at Hive. We've got Nigerians, Venezuelans, Turks, Americans, Koreans, Australians, New Zealanders, yada, yada, yada, etc, etc, etc. Hive is already a surprisingly diverse ecosystem. Can other projects say the same? Would you even know?
- BOLO for people who have an abundance mindset. Beware of anyone that gravitates toward rent-seeking and leeching value from others. Also watch out for those who celebrate status symbols (Lambo) and live a decadent lifestyle. There's no reason we can't all be huge winners within this new cooperative environment. Crypto is not a zero-sum game. We can all win.
Spoiler alert: there is no conspiracy!
If crypto really can scale as large as we are saying it can, no one is going to care that it upended the entire legacy economy. Everyone would be rich beyond their wildest dreams. But if we ever actually want to get to that place, tribalism and division really have no place in the future. We can't scale up if everyone is just running around "competing" with everyone else in their tiny little faction.

Tom Hanks' son, Chet, has a tattoo depicting three viruses.

Wake up, Sheeple!!!!11
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