Requiem For A Dream is one of those movies that you really don't want to find yourself watching a second time. Not because it's bad, quite the opposite, but because the oozing negative emotion of it all is just a bit too much trauma to consent to a second time when you know what you're in for. You know you're in for a bumpy ride when the conclusion of the story is everyone hitting the rock-bottom of their addictions.
Unsurprisingly enough, when you finish this clip, the runner up is a top 10 good movies you never want to watch a second time.
So I was trolling Jeff Berwick's YouTube channel the other day (The Dollar Vigilante). He's still posting on Steem (Dtube) but apparently hasn't discovered Hive (3speak) yet. I forgive him; he's a busy guy.
He's also a pretty batshit nuts and fringe conspiracy theorist. He's one of those libertarians that believes COVID is completely made up, 5G is the thing making people sick, and we are about to see the genocide of billions over the next 5 years. Also cancer can be cured with a fast and a coffee enema and AIDS was/is totally fake as well. Also all viruses are man-made and you can only get sick by being injected with it.
More people are starting to listen to him because gold, silver, and crypto are up and he is a stanch defender of all three. Money talks and bullshit walks.
He's been broadcasting these videos pretty regularly now. This one is particularly cute, comparing Lord of the Rings to the death of central banks and the current system of fiat.
I can see first hand that this guy is definitely drinking his own Kool-Aid. He truly believes everything he says. He admits freely that he was very angry about all this stuff going on and that meditation and other self-help methods are helping him along.
What I think he doesn't realize is that he is clearly progressing through the 5-stages of grief on camera. He admitted to being angry, now he is pretending to be at acceptance.
In reality he is bargaining.
I'm on board with the plan.
I support Kill Gates.
It's going to make me rich, and all the dumb people and Karens of the world are going to die.
Everyone left standing wins.
Now you don't have to ban my videos because I'm in on it with you guys.
Don't try to tell the other people guys! Don't be a party pooper!
He's clearly going through a lot of internalized emotional turmoil.
I think it's somewhat darkly comical to watch him tell his followers to stop spreading the word in videos where he spreads the word. In the same breath of saying he's on board with the impending genocide he continues using language and slurs like Kill Gates and COV-AIDS. He's about to be super depressed soon enough. Probably needs more personal confirmation of being right before that happens.
Conformity and trust in Authority makes you a moron.
This is the problem I have with a lot of the mentality out there. Humanity got to where it is today by having obedient worker drones. If everyone distrusted authority and everyone was a free-thinking global skeptic, guess what? We'd still be in the Dark Ages. This idea that diversity is bad and "everyone should think like me and then all the world's problems would vanish" is absolutely ridiculous and naive. No one considers all the fucked up shit that would happen if everyone was like them. Diversity is the foundation of progress and evolution itself (sexual reproduction genetics). The system in place can not be defeated by hopes and dreams.
This is a numbers/statistics game, and they know how to work it.
Even worse, the "solution" to this problem is to call them idiots and insult their intelligence. Yeah, that's not helping a damn thing. We are a colony, and we need to institute positive reinforcement to replace the old rule-by-fear system. Plenty of smart people out there trust authority and have a lot of value.
I'll never forget this quote from Star Trek: The Voyage Home
My compassion for someone is not limited to my estimate of their intelligence.
The idea that people/animals deserve to be dominated and tortured because they are dumb is a slippery slope. I feel like this isn't even something I should need to say for obvious reasons, yet so many people out their take their superiority complex to an insane level and justify it using endless mental gymnastics. Sure, we might make some leaps and progress by shamelessly testing on animals and treating military personnel and people in Africa like guinea pigs. However, the line has to be drawn somewhere, and we are already way beyond the point of diminishing returns. Balance is key.
My fears:
When I hear someone say crazy ass horrific shit that somehow lines up with my own personal experience I get worried. Berwick is claiming that 5G messes with oxygen molecules and makes it harder for it to bind with hemoglobin in the blood. He claims that people's immune systems are under attack, and it has nothing to do with this fake virus. He also claims it can mess with your vitamin D production.
As someone who's been suffering from some strange ailment ever since 4G was implemented, my spider senses tingle. I have since recently self-diagnosed the issue as psoriasis: an auto-immune disorder. One of my good friends at work also came back from vacation recently with a weird rash that appears to be a random auto-immune disorder as well.
So when this madman Jeff Berwick tells me COVID is fake and 5G is being rolled out and it's gonna fuck everyone up... and my psoriasis is getting worse and I'm also having other random problems like vitamin-D issues and low oxygen, it truly is hard to ignore even if it does sound completely unbelievable.
Luckily, ol Jeffy has always been wrong about timelines, so no matter how correct he is about 5G and the impending genocide, he thinks it's coming way way sooner than it actually is. We in the cryptosphere suffer from this as well, thinking that Bitcoin would just continue to moon forever in 2017. These macro events are like a train-wreck in slow motion, and no matter how badly we just want to rip the band-aid off quickly and get it over with, that's just not going to happen. We all still have plenty™ of time to parse this craziness. Until we don't.
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