Judging by this pattern, Hive will be going up in price for like a month straight as far as the averages are concerned. However, intensity is not implied. Whether we peak at 70 cents or $2 is anyone's guess.
The timing of this golden cross is fortunate, as late August into early September are looking like an extremely bullish period. Hive may catch a piece of that liquidity should it run up with the rest of the market.

Goddess moon sells the peak Sept 6th
Sept 6th will mark another new moon, and seeing as September has never been a good month for Bitcoin (always trades down or flat at best) I have to assume that mid September is not going to be a fun time.
However, looking at the super-cycle zoomed out may tell a different story. If we are indeed in the middle of a mega-bubble, wouldn't it make sense that these two months of consolidation at $30k-$40k were all that was needed to push higher till the end of the year? If the first run was any indication (6 months of green candles) we could easily pull off another six months of green in a row in theory, as long as we had the momentum.
Do we have that kind of momentum?
Sometimes I wonder how we couldn't have that kind of momentum. When we look at corporations and even governments all over the world looking at Bitcoin, how would it even be possible to not have a historic supply shock at this point? That's how I'm looking at it, and I still target $250k come [late-Q4 / early-Q1].
We are all still in a holding pattern from all the delays. I hear that the polygon launch has been pushed back due to the massive hack that occurred there mere days ago. Luckily the hacker seems to be whitehat and is giving it all back. Some of these crypto devs are operating on a whole different level.
I'm glad to have this time to farm more CUB, as I feel like it's not going to be so easy to come by in the future. Many people underestimated CUB, as it was easy to do so as token price crumbled from a $13 peak to 50 cents. Only those who remained in the LPs saved themselves from ruin on the way down.
However, as we make moves back up (something that not a lot of DEFI tokens have accomplished yet) I'm sure there will be some true spectacles to behold. LEO is one of the most hardcore HODLing communities I have ever seen by magnitudes.
The den (slash CUB Kingdom) has over 60% dominance. 60% of all coins in circulation are going long at the moment, and I think we can get a lot higher than that once the FOMO kicks in. I'm expecting it to get all the way into the 70's by the time these first 3 IDOs complete. CUB strong.
The key will be knowing when to reenter the LPs at the higher token price. Dollar cost averaging and entering a little bit at a time is key to maintaining low volatility while achieving a guaranteed return.
Just got back from vacation so trying to get back into the grove of posting again. Hopefully I can steer clear of these speculations shitposts going forward, but again it's difficult to stop speculating when the market flips so bullish from where it was a few weeks ago.
The important thing to note here is the Golden Cross on Hive. I think it's a pretty significant signal considering the timing of the market and where we find ourselves after 2 months of "brutal" consolidation.
At this point I value Hive around $1 and will not sell any below that price, especially after such a bullish golden cross has flashed. I expect the next 3 weeks to be extremely volatile and profitable. The last time we had a golden cross Hive spiked x7. Don't be surprised if we hit $2-$3.
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