Hm yeah, no idea what I'm doing
I received a DM from @trumpman directing my attention to a certain post on LEOfinance.
So apparently one of my posts is driving organic traffic to LEOfinance from Google, which is weird, and on top of that weirdness I've been asked to exploit the Google AI and pump up my numbers.
Very meta, much wow
So yeah this Startup show that Netflix bought is gaining a lot of popularity. My girlfriend says it's been on the top ten on Netflix for most of May and June, and people are asking about it on Google apparently.
By adding more keywords like "gencoin" "startup" "real" "price" I'm told that this will feed more traffic, not only to my blog, but to Leofinance/Hive in general. Eh, why not?
So I added some content to satisfy the search trends... I had it quoted below but removed it because I feel like that would throw the whole thing off. In any case, I feel like I added enough of the keywords to the original post to bump it up the ranks a tiny bit, assuming I did it correctly.
Unfortunately I only advertised it on Twitter, as I have very little social media presence anywhere. Better than nothing, I suppose.

So I added the following text...
Not sure if I'm undercutting my own work by copy pasting it to another post. I expect that @forexbrokr and @hitmeasap will pop in to tell me if I'm doing it correctly. This is about as much work as I'm willing to do for now before learning more.
Professional bloggers.
It's funny because all professional bloggers have to do stuff like this, but bloggers here on Hive are lazy as hell. Where else can you draw a salary for such little effort?
Do you have any idea what a "real" professional blogger has to do to get their name out there?
- Find a target audience (and target them).
- Search engine optimization.
- Promoting yourself across multiple social media platforms.
- Do a bunch of research so you don't make a fool of yourself.
- Don't deviate from your niche.
- Etc Etc (it's a lot of work).
Here at Hive our blogs are basically just weird shared diaries on a social media site. We just write about whatever we feel like that day. Very rarely do we ever have to reach outside the site, because users outside the site don't have any stake. We aren't looking for new users to read our stuff, we are looking for whales to notice and upvote us. The model is almost exactly the opposite of traditional blogging. Pretty weird honestly, but somehow it works.
I think this kind of goes to show that the outward facing dapps like Splinterlands (gaming) and LeoFinance (investing) have a much higher chance of drawing in new users, as these are platforms that aren't constantly preaching to the choir.
Is it possible to incentivize bloggers on Hive to face outwardly and acquire new users for the platform? Probably. Is that infrastructure in place today? Not even close.
This does get me thinking though.
What if I start taking this whole blogging thing more seriously? There are two shows on the current top 10 of Netflix that I actively watch. Wouldn't be hard to write about popular things that drive more users to Hive. I'd of probably written about Doge and and other meme coins (SafeMoon?) by now with these things in mind. Doesn't mean I have to give them a good recommendation: I could just slam them into the dirt like they deserve. High popularity topics drive more traffic. Something to think about I guess.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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