A lot of blind speculation is being made with CUB in every direction. I'm personally ultra-bullish, but I've certainly been wrecked before. During this hyper-inflationary stage it makes the most sense to farm a stable-coin pool (BUSD) to hedge against market forces.
At the same time there is also the CUB DEN, where apes go farm the core token without putting up any of them for sale. Trading this market during this hyperinflationary period will require balancing between these two pools. At least that's my personal strategy.
Everyone knows these yields are unsustainable.
Everyone knows more and more competition will enter the market. Many want to sell back enough farm to cover the initial collateral.
We going up or down?
Don't know, don't care. Farming the biggest pool with half my stake a stable asset. We're good here. However, should I become more bullish on the market I'll certainly have to selloff some BUSD and get better positioning on the CUB DEN.
The ides of March
Considering how stable we've been lately (legendary for this phase) I'm gonna go ahead and guess we have a lot of people looking to buy in the $3-$4 range should it dip back to that level. Again, weird stuff might happen on Monday March 15 when inflation/yield gets reduced by 33%. I hope to see some panic selling, but who knows how it will go down.
Competition in the pools continues to get fierce as many farmers compound their farm by rolling in the rewards back into it. Regardless, the current yields are still extremely high. 3.3% a day on the CUB DEN. 7% a day on the CUB/BUSD & 6% on CUB/BNB. That's quite a bit of farm.
Enough about CUB...

Yep, as predicted, the groundhog did not see its shadow. Q2 has started early bois and girls. Back at all time highs. Don't be surprised if we dip a little bit... I don't expect real moves upward till we get into late April or May. Again, April 1 has always been one of the best days of the year to buy.

I helped two people ape into the CUB farm today. One of them doesn't know anything about the HIVE/LEO ecosystem, but I got them into Ethereum/MetaMask a while back so the transition was easy. They bought in for $5000.
The other person threw down $30,000 and has just a big a stack as I do... CUB TO THE MOON!

Still playing it by ear. This market is too fast too furious. Buckle up, buttercup!
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