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Lack of Decentralized Governance.

Seems like every time I take a vacation away from the blockchain I come back to all the projects I've been working on being broken. The last time was @steemj. I used it to make API calls in Java.

This time all my dsteem tutorials are throwing an error:

dsteem error.png

I checked https://developers.steem.io/tutorials-javascript/getting_started to make sure dsteem is still the go-to API, and it is. Upon further inspection it looks like I'm using the wrong fork.

dsteem fork.png

I haven't put much time in trying to fix this, but it's pretty annoying that we basically have no incentive for developers to maintain their projects. I guess this is small potatoes in light of Steemit Inc. losing 70% of their staff, but still. I gotta head out for work, but if anyone knows whats up let me know. Thanks in advance!

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Lack of Decentralized Governance. was published on and last updated on 30 Nov 2018.