The Chronic
Always good to not take yourself too seriously. Or perhaps this is just extremely off-timed comic relief. Onto the crazy shit!
Hive Proposals
Have you ever been looking at proposals and seen the following?
Hm, interesting... what does "goyim" mean?
After learning that goyim is a disparaging word for 'non-jew' I realized that this was probably some racist anti-Semitic shit on Hive; the kind that I see all too often in relation to the "deep state globalism" conspiracy theories.
You know, it's one thing to make the claim that the nation-state is disappearing, and in its place a Deep State is pulling all the strings behind the shadows. But it's a whole other thing to claim that this Deep State is synonymous with "The Jews" and "Hitler had some good ideas."
In fact it is very hard to separate these two things. I know because I've tried. Plenty of conspiracy theorists out there saying completely reasonable things and then the next sentence out of there mouth is that the Holocaust never happened, or even more comically that USA never dropped atomic bombs on Japan. Like, what? Really? Okay fam. If you say so.
So I was looking at Hive proposals again and I saw it today for the twentieth time, so I finally decided to do a little more cursory research on the term "The goyim know". How on Earth is this going to end up being anti-Semitic when 'goyim' is a derogatory term for non-Jew? I was ready to find out around an hour ago!
And what did I find?
Gold baby!
Sweet Jew gold, even!
Oops, was that racist?
Of course its fucking racist.
At least I have the self-awareness to admit it.
“The Goyim Know” is an anti-Semitic catchphrase, used by itself or combined with the related phrase “shut it down,” as in “Oy vey, the Goyim know! Shut it down!” An alternate version is “Da Goyim Know.” It is most associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement and message boards such as 4chan and 8chan.
Oh wow! Shocking, didn't see that coming! kek
The language is typically used in references to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories depicting Jews as malevolent puppet-masters, manipulating the media, banks, and even entire governments to the benefit of themselves but to the detriment of other peoples. The phrase is intended to be understood as spoken by a panicked Jew responding to some occurrence that would ostensibly reveal Jewish manipulations or deceit to non-Jews (i.e., “goyim,” a disparaging Yiddish and Hebrew word for non-Jews).
So that's how a derogatory word that means non-Jew was flipped to be anti-Jew. Nice work, racists. I'm impressed. Truly.
It didn’t take long before the phrase entered the physical world. In 2017, white supremacists appeared with signs featuring the phrase “The Goyim Know” at several events around the country, including the August 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The intent behind the “The Goyim Know” signs seemed to be to demonstrate that white supremacists were aware of the conspiracies in which Jews were ostensibly involved.
Hm, time for a Google search on related memes.
Oh yeah, not racist at all.
Oh look a meta meme that proves it's not racist!
But rather those sneaky Jews use the 'racist' trope to their own advantage! Yikes, never seen that one before! Not.
A literal Nazi curb-stomping a black guy.
Yep, nothing racist about that.
American History X: good movie...
But anyone who watched it knows the moral of the story is:
"Stop being racist"
And then when people like this get downvoted on Hive they bitch and moan about being censored.
Are they fucking serious? Really?
To be fair, most people who are complaining about downvotes probably aren't racist (or at least they aren't MORE racist/tribalism than I am or anyone else) but again, it's very hard to separate the chaff from the wheat, so to speak. Basically when anyone who starts talking about these "Globalist" conspiracy theories, I always have to wonder if there are racist undertones that are being hidden that only show themselves after we dig a little deeper.
I dun know man, maybe he's not racist? Oh... never mind.
This punk fit the bill perfectly. Basically indirectly threatened my life several times in the fun little thread we had going.
HEX is superior to Hive, and if you use Hive you're a criminal!
lol... what?
So immediately it becomes obvious that this guy is probably just another flavor of the whole racist deep-state globalist agenda blah blah blah blah blah... so I baited him to see what he'd say:
@edicted is deep state pedophile. I'm secretly super racist. We have to stop the Jews from taking over the world. Hitler was right.
So the above is me paraphrasing how I interpret the bullshit coming out of his mouth. And just baiting him into seeing what stupid shit he's going to say next.
I was not disappointed.
Hitler had some good ideas!
To the victor goes the spoils!
He just admits it straight up.
What an asshole.
Too easy.
See how fucking easy it is to dangle some bait in front of these delusional assholes and they just gobble it up like candy? Yeah bro, I'm a deep-state pedophile and I use the same language as Jeffrey Epstein, so obviously, duh! Yeah and also the Jews rewrote history and are playing the victim in the story of the Holocaust. Seriously, I just can't anymore with these fucking people. I'm over it. We're done here.
![bag holdergarbage.jpg](/blog/left-wing-chronicles-racism-the-goyim-know/F4VGwxPI-m-242.webp)
So much to unpack.
On a certain level you gotta feel sorry for people like this. I know all about suffering from delusions of persecution and grandeur. The difference is I'm a self-aware person that can look at situations objectively and without ego. It's a nice skill to have at times like this.
And so I must conclude that this metal health crisis we see in the United States (and really all around the globe) is a fundamental lack of trust in authority. We basically can't trust anyone, because everyone seems to have a reason to lie. This fundamental lack of community/trust creates a vacuum in which conspiracy theory can run rampant.
- Flat Earth
- Underground master-race Lizard people.
- Cloning stations.
- The Devil controls everything.
- Qanon
- Fake moon landing
- Satanic Panic
- Chemtrails
- 5G causes cancer and will be used to enslave the world.
- 9/11
- Birds aren't real.
- Barack Obama is a terrorist.
- Roswell
- Predictive programming
- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
So when I see someone who believes conspiracy...
Doesn't really matter what conspiracy they believe... I'm over here like, "Hell yeah, send them over to my team!" Because even if someone believes something completely ridiculous sounding like an master-race of underground lizard people that are cloning humans to control everything... ha, that's fucking awesome!
Sign me up, I love that.
Doesn't matter if I personally believe in that particular conspiracy or not. People who don't trust authoritarian rulership have extreme value in the new world that we are building. Blind faith in authority is no longer an acceptable practice. Has it ever been? Certainly as time goes by the diminishing returns get worse and worse. And we are building out the scaling solutions with blockchain that fix a lot of these trust issues.
Conspiracy Fact
Their are so many conspiracies that are obviously true. If the government tells you the president was assassinated by a literally magic bullet, and you believe that stupid bullshit... shame on you. Like seriously, maybe you deserve to stay enslaved by them if they can just explain it away to you by saying magic exists. That's the kind of frustration that creates these divisions between groups that should be working together, and they know it, and they spend billions of dollars amplifying those divisions to keep all the tribes weak and ununited.
Maybe we'll have to send him to concentration camp... damn it!
Sorry Cartman, no $40 anti-racist bounty for you.
Which is why when a conspiracy theory involves inherent tribalism, othering, and downright racism, it's time to kick that bullshit to the curb. There's no reason to spew that garbage when the entire goal is to unite communities against their oppressors.
Hive proposal system
Back to the original topic of discussion: I understand exactly why this proposal was created, and I am actually on record as agreeing with the core argument.
Fuck: Never Send Humans To Do A Hobbit's Job.
I was pretty fucking pissed that we dumped all that stake into the decentralized hive fund ( Perhaps even downright infuriated. I understand quite well why a proposal was made to send everything to @null, but seriously there's no reason to turn this into a "greedy Jew" conspiracy. What the actual fuck is up with that?
We can see that even @blocktrades downvoted the proposal. Now, you know you done fucked up if @blocktrades downvotes you. He doesn't downvote anyone. He's a seasoned professional and doesn't usually get down and dirty with the rest of us. It is not easy to piss this guy off. I know because I've tested his patience... multiple times.
One might try to make the argument that this proposal was buried simply because the Hive elite is greedy and they want to funnel the DHF into their own pocket. Yeah, that "theory" falls flat on its face as well, because we can see another proposal that does exactly the same thing, that didn't get downvoted because it didn't have white supremist undertones. And wouldn't you know it, that proposal has more support than the racist one. Go figure.
Racism is bad (duh). Conspiracy theories that target certain groups of people are undeniably counterproductive and divisive. Honestly conspiracy theories themselves are a bit counterproductive, because there is so much crazy shit going on in the world every day that we already know is true beyond any doubt. Stick to the facts, fam. It's better for everyone. Keep your head down and keep building.
The fact that this whole "The goyim know" proposal is still just sitting on Hive's proposal page is truly a testament to Hive's censorship-resistant nature. Frontends could choose to remove it, but they don't, and it will always be on-chain till the end of days no matter what. That's just crypto for ya, can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Have to take the good with the bad if we want to build something truly great.
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