How can Bitcoin ever become mainstream if the overhead cost to acquire it is unattainable for most Americans? This concept is even more relevant when considering the rest of the world. People are poor and they are getting poorer. Bye bye middle-class.
No, payment coins will never be mainstream. They might attain a market cap that makes them appear mainstream, but in reality that's just the rich going all in and buying them out. Guess what happens then? The entire economy goes into recession. The value of multiple types of goods/services/property/ownership will tank again, and the rich will scoop up even more than they had before, just like the last recession. Isn't wealth consolidation fun?
This is why people who sell their crypto as it's crashing are referred to as "weak hands". The emotional attachment we have to this perceived loss is enough to alter our actions into making a bad decision. You don't lose money until you cash out. Although it sounds counter-intuitive, crypto will spike during recession. Blockchain is a solid hedge against the establishment.
That's right. When a recession is incoming the elite make sure to own things that aren't going to lose value. Average Joe doesn't have that option. Crypto will be the new number one choice on that front going forward. My step-mom sold a strip-mall lot right before the last recession. She called it "The Project". She sold the project right before everything went to shit. I asked her how she knew and she said she got some good advice. It's not hard to see these things coming if you're connected.
So what can we do to stop this from happening again? Nothing. It's going to happen, no doubt about it. We live in a culture that taps into your very psyche to BUY BUY BUY. We are consumerists zombies, and no amount of spreading the word can counteract the agenda of the elite.
![adoption graph.png](/blog/living-paycheck-to-paycheck-has-the-biggest-mainstream-adoption/nDJZxuG0Cs-460.webp)
Get your money in and don't worry about where the price is going. Short term analysis is 60% accurate at best. Blockchain will moon and be declared dead over and over again.
![MOON DEAD MOON DEAD.png](/blog/living-paycheck-to-paycheck-has-the-biggest-mainstream-adoption/7xoeHbneal-460.webp)
However, if Bitcoin isn't going to be mainstream, what will be? I think the answer is pretty obvious: The ones that people can afford. And, since they can't afford any of them, that means the coins that provide the most jobs/airdrops will be the most popular. Steem is at the forefront of this space. Utility coins are the future. Smart contract coins are the future. Payment coins will be replaced with privacy coins because they have the added functionality of being private. Also, nothing is stopping a smart contract token from being private (Byteball Bytes).
Many people think the bubble has popped, but it's just getting started. It doesn't matter what blockchain you choose. Pretty much everything in the top 100 marketcap is guaranteed to do pretty well over the next couple years. The space is still highly underdeveloped and so complicated that dumb money will get dumped everywhere during the next mad dash of FOMO.
When it really comes down to it, the main value of a blockchain is the community that supports it. This means that even inferior coins are going to survive for quite some time; just in the same way that inferior sports teams still retain diehard fans. Just look at the Ripple XRP community. It's like the worst coin with the most aggressive and brainwashed community ever. As if bringing the banking sector to the table is a good idea... please.
Invest in your future: because this is it right here. This is your opportunity to free yourself from debt-slavery early before the rest of the pack. Stop buying new clothes because the man told you they're, "Out of style." Stop buying new cars that lose 10% of their value after you drive them off the lot. Put your money where it matters. That is the only way to fight against this tyranny of finance.
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