I guess I'd be remiss if I didn't express a shout out.
Remember when Star Wars used to be for nerds?
It's been the cool hip thing for quite some time now. Thanks hipsters!
I liked it before it was cool.

Nebulon-B escort frigate
Oh I'm sorry, did you not know this was a Nebulon-B escort frigate? You'd probably know if you were a super nerd like me and played the Lucas Arts flight simulator back in the day.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
That's right baby.
Compatible with Windows 3.1...
Because, you know... it wasn't 1995 yet and Windows 95 didn't exist yet.

Was one flight simulator not enough?
Welcome to Star Wars: Tie Fighter. Fight for the empire, dog!

Those games were pretty badass for how old they were.
But they could be so much better... And they still can be.

So I guess what I'd really like to say is that Intellectual Property is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Slowly, then all at once. George Lucas made a smart move selling his IP to Disney, because people love this IP, and crypto is going to 'steal' it and make it theirs.
Imagine if instead of torrenting music and movies and simply experiencing them for free, we could torrent entire brands, and not just experience them, but profit from them so much that our hobbies become our professions... That is what crypto will eventually bring to the table. The legacy system won't be able to stop it. The dam is cracking, and when it breaks...

Bulls win.
So yeah imagine an actually decentralized game where the players are also the developers, and everyone is getting paid. If the game is say a Star Wars game, how will Disney stop them? Send a decentralized network a cease and desist order? There is no address to send the order. The decentralized network is emergent and extremely profitable. At that point on it will become clear that IP doesn't exist and the actual owners of these things are the communities that actually support them and give them value.
It's hard to imagine these things when even crypto is heinously centralized at this point. Even in crypto, we imagine a dev team that could be shut down or venture capital investors that could get scared off. The future of this space isn't going to be tied down by all the dumb ways we are doing things today. Our adaptations to WEB3 at this juncture are bad (and borderline embarrassing even). But we can only get better and smarter as we build up this infrastructure into something that actually matters.

Khalamari Cruiser.
Truly, the entire gaming industry is about to reboot from square one. I've seen firsthand how much work people are willing to do for free when they are excited about something and want to spend time on their hobby. Cryptocurrency turns hobbies into full-time jobs. I know from experience, and it's going to get exponentially crazier over the next 10 years.
There are so many people out there that just want to work for a fair-wage and not constantly have to worry about where their next dollar is going to come from. We already see how crypto can provide that.
Most people are bad with money. Crypto fixes this with permanently bonded assets that drip a steady income into the user's wallet. Many people are bad at selling themselves or playing this corporate game of gladhanding. Crypto fixes this by giving everyone a fair chance and rewarding people based on the value they produce rather than the opinion of a single person.
Does it need work?
Yes, of course. It needs a ton of work. But what else did we think we were going to be doing for the rest of our natural lives? Working for the man making pennies on the dollar!?! Forget that! When crypto starts providing consistent income to more folks they will all abandon ship on the legacy system and join us here in the trenches. Infrastructure is lacking, and we need to build it out.

Intellectual Property is no longer valid. The concept that people can own ideas has been an outdated one ever since the Byzantine Generals problem was solved. Rather, the ideas of the future will now be collectively owned by the communities that employ them. No one can stop a community from "stealing" an idea. The entire proposition of IP is no longer enforceable in a borderless WEB3 ecosystem. This is a concept that is hard to understand today, and even harder to extrapolate into the future. Rest assured some crazy court cases and events will materialize during the awkward transition phases.
There are certain timeless iconic brands that will be completely co-opted by communities and reclaimed by the fans that adore them. Money will be flying everywhere, but alas, to no centralized agent that can be sent a cease and desist order. Corporations will come to realized just how badly they need to adapt in order to stay relevant within the new landscape being forged today.
Just look at this blog post... I've displayed the likeness of a fiercely protected brand. And I'm going to make money off of this blog post... and there's nothing Disney or anyone else can do about short of buying Hive directly and downvoting my content. Wouldn't that be something! I certainly hope that happens!

May the force forth be with you.
Live long and prosper. Shadow hide you. Smell ya later.
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