From September 27, 2021 to October 18
Astrologists will tell you during this time that it is a frustrating experience of failure and reflection. This is a two steps forward, one step back moment, and Mercury in Retrograde signals that one step back, especially in terms of technology and communication.
Astrologists will advise hunkering down during this time.
- Don't try anything new.
- Be patient.
- Expect things to go wrong.
Already my girlfriend's bank account has been frozen because she changed her address with the bank and we don't have access to the mail so she can't verify the new address. I have also personally experienced many nonsensical miscommunications and altercations lately. Also I live in a pretty small town but every time I go to make a turn in my car there seems to be never-ending traffic. Pretty weird honestly. Fits perfectly with what astrologists are saying.

It's ironic because crypto astrologists are hoping that Mercury in Retrograde plus the bullish moon cycle will spike the price. I think that's quite wishful thinking considering everything about Mercury in Retrograde seems to be negative. The only thing good about it is when it ends. You can't step forward twice without going one back. This would make the end of October extremely bullish, as the retrograde will be over in addition to a bullish moon cycle. However, the next bearish moon cycle might be pretty terrible considering crypto is a communications technology.
"Currency is the Language of conveying value."
This is something that Andreas Antonopolous has said a dozen times, and it rings quite true when actually analyzed at the core. The first question many ask is, "How could money possibly be a language?" but this absolutely is the case. Like math itself, money is the one thing everyone in the world understands regardless of what verbal language we are speaking.

The Chinese 'ban' on cryptocurrency also seems quite apt right about now. This 'ban' is a huge nothing-burger; just another miscommunication. When a bank bans transactions, that does not make crypto illegal. It just means the bank will no longer let customers send funds to exchanges. This is exactly what happened to online poker back in the day, except online poker was much easier to stomp on than censorship resistant crypto. Crypto can not be banned. That's the entire point.
In the short term, this is a devastating moment, but in the long term, this is the best possible thing that can happen. Many people wrongfully assume that the legacy economy rejecting crypto will kill it. Quite the opposite. The legacy economy rejecting crypto will kill itself. Mainstream adoption comes faster the more the dinosaurs reject the inevitable future. They can't uncrash the comet; that's not how this works.

It is incorrect to assume that crypto needs permission to exist. The permissionless nature of crypto is the core tenant of this entire movement. Bitcoin has already "died" a thousand times. We are building an entirely new open source grid and economy that will eventually sweep all the legacy systems away unless they pivot. Think torrenting music/movies and Spotify/Netflix. The old way of doing things can not stop this tidal wave of innovation. Dinosaurs can't ban the Internet because it no longer suits their personal interests. Their personal interests are irrelevant. This is the future, and the only corporations that survive this paradigm shift will be the ones who pivot to avoid utter destruction.
HODL HODL HODL. September is the worst month for Bitcoin hands down over the last decade. I've repeated this message dozens of times recently, and I will continue to do so until I am shown otherwise.
It is foolish to think that we can continue to push forward without any setbacks whatsoever. Unknown unknowns must be accounted for in the projections. Pencil in the inevitable: every two steps forward comes with one step backwards. To assume blue skies until the end of time is a fantasy that will never materialize.
All this being said we do have over a week left on the bullish moon cycle as we approach the new moon. Don't be surprised if this cycle completely supersedes the retrograde nonsense.

It doesn't get much more accurate that this.
The next week might see a massive pump, but the bearish moon cycle will likely be absolutely brutal. Beware October 6th.
Also, don't worry about the China ban. Again, this is just a misunderstanding that has absolutely zero long term affect on the market. Crypto does not ask for permission... or forgiveness for that matter. It simply is a fact of life at this point, and it's here to shake up the entire world.
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