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Money Talks and Bull**** Walks


I saw this diagram the other day and it rang very true to me. Even if you get elected president of the United States, you're still only rank 4 of 7 on the corporate pyramid.

presidental income.png

LOL! $90 an hour to do the job that most people consider the single most important thing you could possibly do. Plenty of doctors, lawyers, and computer scientists make more than that.

Money Rules Everything Around Me

Politicians don't make that much money because they are designed to be bought out by the people who actually run the show. There's a reason the Clinton's have done so many shady things behind corporate doors. Politicians are given a lot more power than they are given money, and are incentivized to leverage that power into money.

The elite does a very good job of obscuring the top of the pyramid, but it is very easy to see past the facade. Money is a measure of trust in a way. It's a measure of how much society trusts one to allocate resources. If one person makes less money than someone else then this implies that society trusts them less.

A person that makes a billion dollars a year has 2500 times more economic sway than the president of the united states. Simply replace the word society here with "central bank" and the word trust with "nepotism". Our system is a crumbling dynasty that can barely keep up with its own corruption.

richest person.png

If Google said it, it must be true.

Who is the richest person in the world? Is it Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, or Marky Mark? Do these people look like the most vile and disgusting humans you've ever met? Were they willing to kill and torture people to get where they are today? Are they involved in some sort of ruling-class elitist cult? No. They are simply the face of the elite. They've been put in the limelight by the people who are actually in charge so that the populace doesn't realize they're being lorded over by absolute demons.

Who needs billions of dollars in a bank account when you have the ability to print and spend money wherever you want? Who needs money when you can use fear and intimidation to keep everyone in line? The people in charge are faceless and can choose any identity they desire.

To make the metaphorical claim that the bottom 99% are pawns would be an overstatement. We are more like tiles on the board that pieces get placed on; an afterthought; a placeholder. Politicians are the pawns in this chess game of global dominance. We simply get stepped on.

Removing Personhood from Currency Ownership

Cryptocurrency threatens to give this same power of anonymity to anyone with an Internet connection. Is the deep-state worried? No.

The wolf is not afraid of the sheep. They still own the military industrial complex. They can still send anyone they want into the torture chamber. They still own 99% of everything. Very little gets past their spy network. The NSA has the power to steal a huge percentage of the world's cryptocurrency. If they can activate your webcam without the light coming on, why wouldn't they be able to snipe your private key?

Worst-case scenario they print trillions upon trillions in fiat, hyper-inflate every currency they have control of, and use it to buy out as much crypto as they can after the infrastructure has been set up, leaving behind anyone who didn't jump on board the new economy.

Nothing changes until we see 0:52 happen within our own economy. There is a lot more work and suffering to be endured before real change can happen. Most crypto bulls wear rose-colored glasses as they gaze into the end-zone, ignoring what it takes to forge the path. Soon™.

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Money Talks and Bull**** Walks was published on and last updated on 16 Dec 2018.