Crypto is a bit slow right now, and that's a good thing. We are firmly in the consolidation phase waiting for something to happen. News is slow. Development is no longer hyped to the moon. The crabwalk continues. Many noses are focus on the grindstone. Head down and carry forward.
It's the little things.

Today I got my account stack up to 5000 tokens.
I make one of these posts every 1000 account tokens, which happens slightly less than twice a year.
Theoretically these accounts can't be worth more than 15k Hive given the fact that we can create an account for three Hive, but somehow I wonder if that is actually how it will play out. When Hive gets some level of adoption, will it come to light that perhaps these millions of account tokens floating around are actually a burden to the network?
There's a big difference between having a token for an account and actually creating an account. The RC system estimates that the number of free tokens we are giving out every day is sitting at a level that Hive can handle, but what if that isn't accurate? We'll never know until we get that adoption and stress test actual adoption in the field. Something to look forward to.
I remain skeptical, as scaling is something that's difficult to do even when we are considering a centralized business with high efficiency. It stands to reason that if millions of accounts are claimed all at once that's going to be difficult to handle. A decentralized network remains at least twenty times more difficult to scale than a business. And that's not even considering all the intricate details and bottlenecks that can pop up that no one ever even considered.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I value my 5000 account tokens on Hive far more than the theoretical value they are worth at the moment, which priced in USD might be something like $3000 if I was lucky and there was actually a market to buy them. Their current realized value is $0, which is fine. I can wait. Given a $10 value of Hive and a token worth of 5 Hive a piece, all of a sudden those 5000 tokens are worth a quarter of a million dollars... lol. Sounds so stupid to say out loud, but we've all seen crazier things actually happen in crypto than that.
At the same time it's nice to know that I can onboard anyone I know for free and delegate them RCs at no cost to myself. That's powerful. The RC system is much farther ahead than most systems for preventing a Sybil attack to the network and distributing bandwidth fairly to those who need it. WEB3 is all about paying for service, not getting it for free like WEB2. While at the same time we get paid for using the service in the ways that the network incentivizes. If done correctly, the amount we are payed far exceeds the transaction fees (which again have a current value of $0 due to a lack of adoption).
Another milestone I hit recently was getting into the top 20 on the reputation leader boards. Calling it 'reputation' is a bit of a misnomer, but it is still an achievement nonetheless. Taking a deeper look at the users above me is interesting as well.
Joythewanderer is still active and posting once a day, getting a decent reward, but mine is a bit higher. I should be able to overtake that position. Likely due to the Korean fallout of the hostile takeover.
papa-pepper is active as well. I don't know much about this account, but it looks like I can also overtake it. Not that it matters much.
Zaku hasn't been active for a few months (damn bear market). Looks like he posts about gaming quite a bit when he's around.
Traf is inactive on the blogging side but always takes the time to curate my posts with a phat stack of Hive on Trafalgar. Maybe one day I'll be like Traf :D.
galenkp has a real blog going... maybe I should follow him.
deanliu is another Korean blogger with nice payouts.
acidyo runs a largely gaming blog (and meta crypto stuff) and his curation bot . Probably the most recognizable account for me except for Taskmaster.
kingscrown is semi-active but gets downvoted to zero on everything due to reward farming drama back in the day.
jrcornel ragequit the platform after getting downvoted to zero over reward farming drama. My post on that is... here. I ended up getting a bit of flak for this post as it ruffled the feathers of those who supported the downvoting. Water under the bridge I suppose. He gone.
gooddream has a semi-active blog with rewards.
burnpost is an experiment that hasn't been active since the hostile takeover.
steemcleaners is inactive and is used for downvotes iirc in relation to plagiarism and spam and whatnot.
oflyhigh is a very popular Korean account.
odc inactive since 2019
chbartist inactive since 2019
tarazkp is something I actually follow and upvote.
Super consistent freewrites: every day for years. -
taskmaster4450 - top earner of the platform (you know him).
haejin - doesn't count (oh the beautiful flag wars) also inactive.
hbd.funder - doesn't count (funds the stabilizer)
Adding up the numbers
- 3 Korean accounts
- 8 inactive accounts
- 3 semi-active accounts (1 downvoted to zero)
- 8 consistent bloggers (5 English)
- 1 Hive proposal
I was wondering why it didn't add up to 20 and then I forgot to include myself. Doy. In any case, when everything is said and done, if I eliminate everyone except for active blogs that speak English we get:
- taskmaster
- tarazkp
- galenkp
- papa-pepper
- edicted
Wow, short list.
And what does 'reputation' actually mean? Basically it's just the people who are scooping the most from the blogging reward pool without getting downvoted. I'm honored to be on the short list, but at the same time it's a bit alarming. The bear market hurts. Even the top paying accounts don't get that much compared to traditional wages in developed nations. All in good time I suppose. We are all nothing but patient. Until the next run up!
It's the little things. When I first got here in 2017 I had a feeling I'd be able to gain traction here if I just remained consistent and kept grinding. It's weird in retrospect to realize that I was correct in that assessment. During these lulls it's nice to look around and realize that we did make progress even if it doesn't feel like it in the moment.
At the end of the day I hope to pay it forward. If Hive sees great success, I can guarantee you the last thing I'll be thinking about is the mythical Lambo. I want to see as many people empowered by this network as possible. Hopefully that's the kind of attitude that can become a theme on Hive. HOLD mentality can only go so far.
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