Here is the representation of a block provided by Steemit Inc's database.
Notice anything? AGAIN!!! NO BLOCK NUMBER.
The block doesn't have a block number. Mind officially fucking blown at this point.
Mind you, if you look at the transactions each one of those has a block number (obviously all the same one), so I could retrieve it from there. But what about blocks that have no transactions? My code will throw an error.
In the end it's pretty obvious that I'm just going to have to download the entire blockchain myself because Steemit has no idea what the fuck they are doing.
I wonder how much farther along we'd be if @dan was still here. I can certainly see why he left. Funny though how he hasn't solved a single one of the governance problems of DPOS when he built EOS. Steem is still primed to decentralize faster while maintaining a good amount of scalability.
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