Happy fourth of July and all that jazz.
I write this after getting home from my brother's FREEDOM celebration! Fake bombs are going off in every direction. It's a shame that so many patriots have been led astray.

There are a lot of people out there that stand for freedom. At least they think they do. So many rule followers. So many believers in the American Dream and the idea that if you work hard enough anything is possible. If only such fairy tales were true.

The strong take from the weak. The clever fool the gullible and profit from them. Masters and servants are born on a daily basis. This is the way of the world, but does it have to be that way forever?
Many of us here today would like to believe that things can change. That we can be the arbiters of our own destiny. The problem is: how do we accomplish such feats? Surely, we can't do it alone.

At the end of the day, people are ants. We are part of a colony. No one can get anything done alone, but together with good organization we can accomplish great things.
As we work toward decentralizing our power structures and the very core of the economy this is the greatest challenge going forward. Leadership, logistics, direction, organization, and incentive. The communities that figure these things out first will pave the way for all the rest. Life is no longer a competition, but imperialist capitalism hasn't gotten that memo yet.
Technology is moving at the speed of light while our institutions flounder aimlessly trying to maintain relevance. Good luck to the dinosaurs: they are going to need it.

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