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Ned Doubles Down

## Did you think 34M was bad? Welp! Now it's the full 42M! LOL.

This is obviously a very predicatable action considering what's been going on.

steemit powerdown.png

@netuoso I'm disappointed in you. Pricing crypto in a dollar amount? Fiat lover! :D

This action by @ned made me randomly think of this little number:

And also "no" to the things you asked for. Haha.

I wish @ned would sing this one to us. Fitting.

Still bullish

I am still giving zero fucks over all this.
Either we have what it takes to kick ass and chew bubble gum, or not.
Nothing to see here, get back to work.

Why we are not ready for a fork.

It's really quite simple: our reputation system sucks. We trust people based on how much money they have. Once this changes we'll know who deserves stake and who doesn't. I've explained how I eventually might go about determining reputation in another way, but there is really no way to tell how effective that will be until such systems are actually deployed an tested in a real world environment.

Once we have a system to determine trust, it won't matter how well ned has hidden his stake. Those accounts will either have trust, or they won't, and they aren't going to because they won't be able to trick an intelligent system of decentralized reputation.

Doing nothing is still the best option. wait(365)

I still maintain that all this fork talk is rooted in greed and not community.

If Steem was still at $8 none of you would be saying shit.

At the same time I personally would have way less coins and the platform would be more centralized.


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Ned Doubles Down was published on and last updated on 20 Jan 2019.