At these levels it takes me around 170 days to farm 1000 account tokens on Hive. Quite the grind indeed! My last milestone post was February 16, 2022. But I also have another Milestone to report, and that's finally hitting 80 reputation... a feat that I was fairly certain I'd never accomplish (along with never breaking 5k Steem). Now we aren't even called Steem anymore. Crazy times.

I now find myself on the front page in the top 25 "reputation" on Hive. Pretty weird feeling, I must admit. Especially considering that many of these names are inactive or just straight up don't even count like @hbd.funder at #1. For example, @chbartist has an account worth $2.50 and hasn't posted since 2019. That makes @taskmaster4450 and @tarazkp our most valued and consistent posters on the entire network. I feel like I was following those guys way before they made it to the top, and the risk of doing the whole, "I was here before it was cool," gag.
Reputation is meaningless
@dan's vision for Steem was that everyone was going to play nice and money would flow around the network in accordance with how much value was being brought to the network. Let's be honest... if that were true we'd of flipped Bitcoin by now. And yet still, after being put in situations where this platform should have gotten the axe over and over again... we still stand. Not a derelict chain but still the same struggle-bus grind as always. Let's be real though it will always be a grind for someone even if/when the top makes it big.
So while my 80 reputation means basically nothing in terms of actual reputation, it's still just one of those hardcore unit-bias milestones that gets into your head and makes you feel like it does mean something, or at least that it should. Gamification is a powerful drug.
So reputation is a relic of the past.
But we still use it and display it, even though it doesn't even exist on the blockchain and is just some random pointless number being updated virtually by the nodes. Reminds me that we are in dire need of an actual reputation system that actually means something. Not just on Hive but in the 'real' world as well.
I constantly see so many instances of entitled spoiled child-like Karens running around acting like they are owned the world, and when they don't get handed their ridiculous expectation they try to make life hell for the people that are trying to provide them with service. How many 1-star reviews on on Yelp or Google or Amazon or where-ever else are littered with these asshole that just popped in to complain about something that is completely irrelevant to the product being provided?
The post office took an extra day to get it to me. One star.
Bro... fuck off.
I've been doing research on reputation systems for a while now, and the solution to these problems is surprisingly simple: reviews cannot be unidirectional or else they become meaningless. Reviewers need a reputation just as much as products and services do.

Review the reviewer
If someone at a restaurant is a total dumpster-fire and leaves a one-star review because their ridiculous... what should that review count for? Basically nothing. However, all these reviewing systems give the Karen an equal vote to everyone else rather than nullifying their vote.
Hm... vote nullification sounds like a slippery slope.
Certainly that's true in certain contexts... not so much for reviewing fuzzy slipper-socks. There's also the question of: "Does DPOS solve this?" Do the Karens have stake in the network? Or are they just visitors looking to impose their will on others? Logic would dictate that the chance someone could be a valued member of a community while also being a self-entitled dumpster-fire is low. Definitely not zero though... as we all know that power corrupts. But at this point I'm just rambling.
Milestones are fun, but they are even more fun when they actually mean something. The human brain loves to find meaning in unit-bias, round numbers, and number go up.
While my 80 rep was a much more difficult milestone to achieve, the real value is in those 4000 account tokens I now control. The ability to onboard 4000+ people to Hive is going to end up being a huge advantage to me when mainstream adoptions rolls around. Kudos to me!
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