I just can't even right now.
A fire fighting helicopter crashes and starts a fire?
It's a rough day for California and Firemen I tell ya.
Also many people have quit at our local postal service because the hours have been so brutal. I'm also being told my work may be closed down due to air quality for up to a week. We were processing like over a quarter million packages a day. I don't even want to think about what a rerouting nightmare that is for the corporate logistics team.
Oh look I just got an extreme alert warning on my phone saying I might have to evacuate... peace!
Emergency broadcast seems a bit alarmist. Can't find any orders to evac and all of my neighbors are currently staying put. Air quality outside is pretty bad, but still very breathable (for me anyway, some are more sensitive to it). Air quality inside the house is still pretty good considering. Can't really smell the fire from inside. Maybe I have the Rona! lol.

I can bug out to Benicia but normally I would take the 80. Considering the circumstances that looks to be an idiotic route. Guess I'll have to take backroads in that event.
At this point not sure if I can justify sleeping here, especially considering 0% containment. Fun stuff. Yee HaW!
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