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PALNet Still Using Steemit's Censorship Rules


PALNet orders comments the same way Steemit does. If the comment is being paid out more money (PAL), it get's displayed first. Unless of course the person has been flagged down below zero on Steemit. In that case, the post is also censored on PALNet, regardless of PAL payout.

This seems pretty backwards to me, as isn't one of the main sticking points of PALNet to separate itself from the Steemit community and change the way content is displayed to the user?

Obviously we can give them a free pass for now. Developers are super busy and this one probably just fell through the cracks. However, sometimes I wonder if this is a 'feature' rather than a bug. The order of posts is already correctly displayed for PAL payouts. How did Steemit's censorship algorithm slip in there after the fact?


It's not worth fussing over just yet.
Just wanted to point it out.

Ideally, comments on PALNet will be ordered using more heuristics than simply payout amount. I've already made the argument multiple times that bloggers should have full control over the comment section if they want to override the order of anything being displayed on their content.

Power to the Producer.

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PALNet Still Using Steemit's Censorship Rules was published on and last updated on 01 Jul 2019.