Today is the first time since the pandemic started (March 2020) that my life has circled back to "normal". Perhaps there's something to Mercury in Retrograde after all. For today is the first day since the pandemic started that my girlfriend and roommate have actually gone to work instead of working at a desk 10 feet away from me. I have the apartment all to myself... sweet bliss.
Pennsylvania is a big change from California. An hour ago there was a "massive" thunderstorm accompanied by torrential downpour. My cat was not amused.

Yes, that is a Trezor. Thanks for asking.
PA is also weird in that humidity levels have been in the 80%s since we arrived. Most people complain about humidity but I rather enjoy it. Call me crazy. I feel like it keeps me more hydrated somehow. No need to buy a humidifier now.
As far as my living situation is concerned, don't get me wrong, it wasn't too bothersome to have two people working full time in the same room as me... or at least it shouldn't have been. I remember when this all started things were said like "Oh I hope I'm not bothering you too much..." blah blah blah. Yeah well, I wasn't bothered until you asked that and kept pushing farther and farther.
During the past year and a half it basically became my "job" to make breakfast. Don't you love how that happens? Do something enough times and it becomes expected and punishment rains down when you don't do it. It wasn't even an option to make breakfast before as they'd go off to work long before I even woke up at 10 AM. Once the Pandemic started I had to wake up earlier or they'd do something silly like doordash McDonalds egg McMuffins and then complain about how I dropped the ball. Yikes.
What started as a nice thing became an expectation.
That's the annoying part, and if I'm being honest that was probably the most annoying thing I faced during the entire pandemic, so I obviously got off easier than 99.9% of everyone else in the entire world. It's hard to complain when perspective is shifted and ego is removed from a global outlook.

Whatever you say, Twitter.
On September 9, US President Joe Biden announced a plan to require all private businesses with 100 or more employees to ensure that their workers are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or get tested weekly. The mandate will be implemented through an Emergency Temporary Standard to be issued by the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Experts predict legal challenges to be launched, but they say OSHA has the authority to protect workers' safety by requiring vaccinations, Bloomberg reports. The 1905 Supreme Court decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts has also been widely cited, in which the court upheld the Cambridge, Massachusetts Board of Health’s authority to require vaccination against smallpox during an epidemic.
Comparing Smallpox to Covid is a ridiculous joke.
Tell me, would you rather have Covid, or Smallpox? Oh wait, I already know the answer. Not only that, this bullshit implies that the smallpox vaccine is comparable to the Covid vaccine, even though the Covid vaccine is a 100% new and fully experimental treatment. Advocates against it call it "gene therapy", but I haven't don't enough research on it to weigh in on that front one way or another. I already know enough to see that there is massive disinformation on both sides.

If the CDC is to be believed (they aren't) then their own information discredits all the other claims that COVID is a serious issue. Time and time again the death tolls were shoved down our throats without any context.
- 100,000 Americans dead!
- 200,000 Americans dead!
- 300,000 Americans dead!
- 400,000 Americans dead!
- 500,000 Americans dead!
- 600,000 Americans dead!
- 700,000 Americans dead!

So many bodies piling up that we have to create makeshift graveyards in places we've never used before (another blatant lie). Just think of hundreds of thousands of bodies piled up! OMG!
The MSM NEVER EVER uses percentages.
Rather they will always use the flat numbers to make it sound like death is all around us to inspire fear worldwide. Why would they do this when corporations control the MSM and a corporation's #1 goal is to make money? Shouldn't they be downplaying the pandemic to make more money? This is a blatant attack on the middle class designed to generate income. It's always about the money. Welcome to capitalism.
A 0.75% deathrate per year is totally normal. We already expect around 7.5 out of a thousand people to die every year no matter what. Not only that, a few decades ago this number was MUCH MUCH higher.

So the question we have to ask ourselves is obvious.
How high would we expect the global death rate to increase in the wake of the world's most deadly global pandemic? 100%? 200%? 300%? 400%? By every metric under the sun it hasn't even increased by 30%, and even those numbers are manipulated to make it look like Covid is more of an emergency than it actually is.
Those who realize this obvious fact get hit by the second wave of propaganda: it doesn't matter how many people die from the pandemic because there are long term side effects that affect people who didn't die. That's how they get ya. Just yesterday I saw some bullshit about how 70% of severe COVID patients suffer permanent organ damage. Is that true? Should we "trust science"? It very well might be considering the vast majority of cases are not severe and the qualifications for "permanent organ damage" might be easy to smudge.
The main thing we all have to realize here is that there are zero sources for trustworthy information. Everyone has an agenda and bias. All we can do is piece together multiple sources and hope to draw a valid conclusion. My conclusion is that the MSM is lying (as always) and for some reason there is a financial incentive to push an experimental vaccine on the population and act like the science is settled when it absolutely is not. It still isn't clear why this is happening: only that it is.
When this all started I got into an argument with my girlfriend saying that COVID absolutely could have been created in a lab. She said that was impossible and we don't even have the technology. Now Fauci's emails have leaked and we can plainly see the paper trail of "gain of function" research is undeniably real.
Gain-of-function research is medical research that genetically alters an organism in a way that may enhance the biological functions of gene products.
Back when this all started the conspiracy theorists also claimed that this would be used for vaccine passports and they were laughed out of the room. Now vaccine passports are a mainstream idea along with this gain-of-function research and the idea that COVID was leaked from the Wuhan lab.

We really are living in a 1984 experiment where factory farmed humans refuse to believe they have been tricked even though the evidence is undeniable. They have been tricked over and over and over and still continue to suck on the tit of imperialism because there are no other options. When other options do emerge (crypto) there's going to be a Great Awakening that shatters the mind of many who find themselves trapped in the Matrix. I only hope that this transition will be smoothed out more to mitigate the psychological damage that has been done to the prisoners suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
To summarize this crazy situation we need only to look at the medical industry itself. How many thousands of doctors and nurses refusing to take the vaccine does it take the raise a red flag? That alone is enough for me to give pause and realize that this is just the tip of the iceberg. When those closest to the vaccine refuse to take it even though they are surrounded by COVID patients... not a good look. Comparing that to Smallpox is a ridiculous joke, as the smallpox vaccine is safer, more researched, and actually works.
On a lighter note China is the second biggest Bitcoin whale.
For the record, China accounts for 0.9% of all Bitcoin in circulation, according to the information provided by Kevin Rooke. The Chinese government reportedly has about 194,775 BTC, which is worth over $8.1 billion at the current price of $42,040 per coin. The country is only second to Grayscale, a company that manages crypto investment funds.
Most countries gained cryptocurrencies via seizure, except for El Salvador which recently announced its Bitcoin reserve.
So when China "bans" Bitcoin, are you worried? They are literally just insider trading and buying the dip that they created, just like they did in September 2017.
It's amazing that so few people can see what's going on here. Governments all around the world are confiscating Bitcoin from "criminals" and dumping it on the market like they earned it. Funny, because the "criminals" that earned the Bitcoin did way more work to earn that money than the governments that stole it from them and took away their freedom. Welcome to imperialism.
Also I need to reiterate that "China" didn't "ban" Bitcoin. The bank of China banned transferring fiat to exchanges. Huge difference. This creates an environment that fosters mainstream adoption because now everyone in China has a financial incentive to actually use crypto directly as currency and cut the middle man out entirely. We don't want to be a part of the old system; we are creating an entirely new grid and anyone who wants to reject that grid does so at their own peril. China can see the writing on the wall and they hold their ill-gotten Bitcoin for obvious reasons. Number go up.
Unemployment is going to end eventually. Evictions will be allowed to continue eventually. This slow-motion trainwreck of an economy hasn't even come close to experiencing meltdown. You'll know it when it happens. COVID is a big part of these macro economics.
Before Bitcoin humanity was basically doomed. There was no scaling solution to the problem we face. Now we have a glimmer of hope, and everyone reading these words today is on the ground floor of a technology that will soon™ encapsulate the entire world.
We live in a digital data-driven economy. There are no valid sources of information. Everything (including the scientific method) has been corrupted by rampant capitalism and greed. The only way to fix these problems is with smart-money and reputation-based communities. Everything always circles back to crypto, the world just doesn't know it yet.
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