Our little boy is growing up!
I've made many references to how Bitcoin and crypto are alive, while fiat and the legacy economy are undead minions who's only purpose is to suck the life away from we humans. Many people wrongfully assume that Bitcoin is this immortal entity, just like a bank, corporation, or government. This is incorrect. Those things are vampires. We are alive. They are parasites... No, it's not a very symbiotic or equitable relationship.
- Bitcoin can reproduce.
- Bitcoin can fight and win the war of its life.
- Bitcoin can be retired.
- Bitcoin can die of old age.
- Bitcoin is alive.
To be fair Bitcoin has a lot more feminine energy than male energy.
Bitcoin has birthed thousands of projects and networks. Doesn't sound very manly to me. Bitcoin is much closer to the World Tree or Mother Earth rather than Father Sun; efficiently siphoning a tiny bit of that infinite energy from the sun and transforming it into new life beyond our comprehension.
All hail the sun God RA.
But then again, the Bitcoin tribe of maximalists is filled to the brim with toxic tribalist men, so try telling them Bitcoin is a woman (or invented by a woman) and they would probably lose their damn minds. Nope, not gonna die on that hill, thanks.

So Bitcoin has turned 13.
Teenagers. Ew, gross, amirite? Eights graders are disgusting, annoying, and largely powerless; just like Bitcoin. We're currently in the process of being adopted by our drunk and abusive uncles and grandfathers. Yeah, it's not great, but it's also better than being left out in the cold to be raised by wolves. We can learn a lot from Tywin Lannister before we emancipate ourselves.
Institutional adoption.
Teenagers often rebel.
The legacy economy is telling Bitcoin:
If you want to live under my house, You have to follow my rules!
And Bitcoin is just kinda like...
Yeah whatever old man. Get bent.
We are even building our own treehouse.
Everyone has their own idea of what Bitcoin is and what Bitcoin will grow up to be. I don't think Bitcoin appreciates this much. Just let Bitcoin do whatever Bitcoin wants to do. The next generation of the economy will not be tamed so easily as what came before. The Wild West is back. Our strict religious aunt is not amused.
I view Bitcoin as an extension of humanity.
I feel like it will go through similar phases. We already got through the infant and child stage, and now we are onto the awkward teenage years. In ten years when Bitcoin is 23, I think we are going to see some absolutely insane things. Think about the difference between a 13 year old and a 23 year old person. the differences are astronomical.
However, another 10 years after that, the difference between 23 and 33 isn't that big of a jump. It's still a huge jump, sure, but not nearly as much as 13 to 23. After that, another seven years and Bitcoin hits a mid-life crisis at 40. That will probably last a year or two. So many Lambos. Space Lambos, even.
I believe once Bitcoin gets into it's 60s it will retire. We need to remember who is using Bitcoin: mostly Gen X and Gen Y (Millennials). Once the Millennials are long retired or dead Bitcoin will become a relic of the past; the old grandpa on the rocking chair. He's got some good stories and is sitting on a phat retirement account, but he's not really out there doing anything. He's become the safe investor. A few decades after that, Bitcoin dies and the only people keeping it alive (if any) are the historians and artifact collectors that want to preserve it. This is why I think it's so funny when people talk about BTC's inflation schedule and project it out like 145 years. Like, lol, guys... come on. Bitcoin is not the immortal being people think it is.
I truly believe that Bitcoin is alive. Not only alive, but also an extension of a digital human. It will grow. It will fight. It will multiply (already has). It will get old, and it will die. Unfortunately my life expectancy isn't quite high enough for me to live long enough to say I told you so, but that's alright (and also kind of the point). Circle of life and all that.

lol I'm the worst.
To reiterate: Bitcoin is 13 years young and just entering the final year of middle school. 2022 is a big year. The transition to high school (institutional adoption) will be quite the sight to behold. Then we get four years of being lectured by failures who have no idea what they are doing. Those who cannot do: teach. Bitcoin will learn by doing, not by listening to conservative institutionalized tutors.
See you next January 3rd to see if I'm way off base or not.
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