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Right now Steemians are clamoring to get paid for their proof of work. We call it proof of brain. Prove that you have something valuable to offer the blockchain and we will pay you in upvotes.

The problem we have now is that Steem's only proof of brain application is blogging and vlogging. Because of underdevelopment these activities have very high supply and very little demand. Our community wants to work and they are getting very frustrated that they can't make a living wage here. In fact, some people would be very happy to even make $1 on something they worked pretty hard on.

I maintain that this inequity will be short lived. Once developers learn to harvest the brainpower here they will be the ones clamoring for your attention, not the other way around.

I am happy to be here this early. Steem is a gold mine and there is zero competition to get your attention. I strive to not only bring decentralized apps to this blockchain, but also apps that pay the communities behind them to be the backbone of development and regulation.

Once the development process is simplified, everyone at steem can be a part of development and get paid to do so. This I swear.

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Proof-of-BRAINS!!# was published on and last updated on 01 Sep 2018.