A huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I have finally turned off my @smartsteem account. No longer will I get trolled by this service.
At this point I would rather sit at 100% than sell my votes. I'm on Steem everyday and I have no excuse to sell my votes while I'm so active here. Even as I type this my voting power creeps up to 99.6%.
That being said I would be more than willing to give @fulltimegeek my private posting key and he could add my account to his bot list.
✔ See? There's the first half of it. I'm good for it. ✔

A while back I wrote a post: Decentralize Your Holdings. Whelp, my holdings actually feel a bit too decentralized now. I have stake in a bunch of coins that I'm not using or are in development. I sure wish I had some more Steem right now.
Steem is the coin I use the most. It makes sense that it would be my biggest holding, but that isn't even close to true. Charlie Lee, founder of Litecoin, says that everyone should own a full Bitcoin before diversifying elsewhere. Shortly after he made this claim every altcoin crashed in value while Bitcoin stayed even. Coincidence? Maybe.
I personally think that this is a ridiculous claim to make. If anything use percentages. I personally don't even have a full Bitcoin worth of holdings across all my investments. Saying everything I bought should be in Bitcoin is silly. I don't use Bitcoin and I don't want to use Bitcoin. If anything, I would only put 10% of my portfolio into Bitcoin.
https://bitcoinist.com/bitcoin-price-too-cool-school-altcoins/ https://coingape.com/bitcoin-will-outperform-altcoins-blockchain-ceo/
I think these constant announcements of Bitcoin dominance are very strangely timed. Bitcoin simply has lower price variance. The price is harder to manipulate because it's the biggest market. The up and down swings are less than altcoins. Everyone is expecting a mini bull run in the near future, so suggesting that Bitcoin is the best investment right now seems odd. Traditionally, all of the altcoins will spike higher during a bull run and Bitcoin will lose dominance.

Regardless, I'm not here to make money. I'm here to support the next industrial revolution. I want my coins to have utility. I want my coins to be useful and used often. Bitcoin is the last coin I need.
Here's a list of coins that I actually use:
- Steem
- Ethereum
- Maker
- Binance
Although currently I only use Ethereum to take out loans with the MakerDAO and engage in margin trading. Also, I only use Binance to buy other coins, so all three of these coins are not tied to a real use; just getting more crypto.
Here's a list of coins that I want to use:
- Tron
- Augur
- Golem
- Ark
Tron and EOS are basically blank slate smart contract platforms at the moment. Golem and Ark are ERC-20 tokens in development. Augur just went online but I feel like I don't really have any extra money to risk on further gambling.
Here's a list of the best performing and most predictable coins:
- Bitcoin
- Binance

When I list them like this I come to one conclusion: Steem is the best coin right now and I should get more. This is especially true considering SMTs are right around the corner™. I already have 440 coins sitting on Binance... just waiting for them to fix the wallet so I can power them up.
Invest in the coins you use.
Put your money where your time is.
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