This is why we can't have nice things!
Too many zombie slaves running around running around following orders, amirite? The problem with this line of thinking is that: where would humanity be without followers? Ever heard the phrase: too many chiefs not enough Indians? Besides the obvious racism and ignorance of that statement: it makes a good point.
Without followers, the Hive that is humanity becomes grossly inefficient. This is a numbers game, and most people are programmed a certain way so that society can operate. You can't just wish it away when this necessity becomes an inconvenience to freedom. We'd be bigger slaves (to nature) today if everyone was a free-thinking skeptic who forged their own path. Nothing would get done.
- Masks don't do anything; ineffective.
- Wearing a mask gives permission for the elite to enslave us.
- Masks cut oxygen supply to the brain (personal favorite)
- Wearing a mask and obeying lockdown gives consent to the Great Satan.
- My body my choice (lol called it; new favorite).
The justifications used for not wearing a mask usually fit into five categories: claiming medical issues, experiencing negative feelings while wearing a mask, distorting the science, affirming personal freedom, and alleging that mask-wearing is part of a government conspiracy to tame the population
Bulls on Parade
Seems fitting somehow with BTC at $30k.
Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk tha corner to tha rubble that used to be a library Line up to tha mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps tha contracts alive an movin' They don't gotta burn tha books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as tha cells Rally round tha family, pockets full of shells
They don't need "permission"
You're a slave either way... get over it. Not wearing a mask makes you a target. If you actually wanted to do something useful you'd hide behind the mask and do that other thing like a ninja.

Obviously this is a hilarious and savage hypocrisy. Remember when this all started and I said people would start saying, "My body my choice," on the right in relation to wearing a mask? Well, lol here we are, and it's just as funny seeing it now even though I knew it was coming. Cracks me up to see people who don't believe in women's rights to use the slogan for themselves. "Hilarious." No worries, it will make a lot more sense when they say the same thing about not taking the vaccine... because that is obviously way more relevant than not wearing a mask.
Speaking of the vaccine...
I keep avoiding the topic. People have asked me both indirectly and directly if I'm going to take the vaccine, and somehow I weasel my way around the conversation without answering. Truly, I'm not even sure how I'm pulling that off.
From what I'm reading about the vaccine, it doesn't even make you immune to the virus... just makes the symptoms not as bad. Considering I think I already had the thing back in February, I feel like I'll take my chances. Lot's of people out there seem to be taking the same stance.
Eventually I'll be forced to stand my ground on the matter, especially since just about everyone I know leans left politically. The other day I was overhearing a conversation between two people talking about how they wouldn't want someone who hasn't been vaccinated to come over to their house, and how to work that into a discussion/invite without being too overt.

Seriously why? I don't get it. Why do you care if I get vaccinated when you and everyone you know is already vaccinated? THAT'S THE ENTIRE GOD DAMN POINT OF BEING VACCINATED! If you're vaccinated, you don't have to worry about what other people are doing. Like, why does this have to be explained to the left?
I think what is happening here is that liberal people are parroting the underlying message of the establishment without thinking about it. The establishment keeps saying things like, "We need to get X percent of people vaccinated, and we are willing to do things like limit freedoms and require immunization passports to do it."
So it feels like lots of liberals are just running around parroting that mindset even though it makes no sense on a personal level... that kind of thinking is reserved for society at large... not personal logistics. Yet here we are.
Why don't you ask the kids in Tiennamen Square? Was fashion the reason why they were there?
They disguise it, Hypnotize it Television made you buy it
Mezmerize the simple minded Propaganda leaves us blinded
They're trying to build a prison for you and me...
Minor drug offenders fill your prisons You don't even flinch All our taxes paying for your wars Against the new non-rich
Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world Drugs are now your global policy Now you police the globe
Striking does not work;
Protests do not work;
Riots do not work
Military industrial complex and diminishing returns on slave labor.
We might be enslaved by the Triforce. We might be powerless against the onslaught of the lumbering beast that is the military, prison industrial complex, crippling capitalism, and endlessly loopholed legal system... but we do have some power.
They spend billions of dollars every year making sure we don't get any funny ideas by manipulating public opinion.
The people in charge only understand one thing: money. Cut into their profit margin and they will surely take notice. These people are sociopaths. There is no such thing as right and wrong. They will take the path of least resistance to fix any problem, no matter the moral cost, because there is no moral cost to a sociopath for any action.
So we might think striking could work in certain situations, and it certainly used to, but now corporations are too big to fail and the most profitable decision for them is to simply outlast the competition. Rioting results in random property damage that has no affect on those responsible. Protesting has the same affect. They do not care.

It becomes obvious that the best way to create change in the world is to cut into those profit margins as deep as possible. Undermining the entire banking system is a damn good start. Finding ways to compete that do not require full scale operations is a necessity. Aim small, miss small.
Buy less shit.
Save more money.
Put the money into Bitcoin.
It's absolutely incredible that someone like me who makes so little money has made it this far in 3 years, and we haven't even hit the bubble yet. Break away from this gluttonous cancer that is insatiable consumerism.

Centralized vs Decentralized
Remember the Steem Hostile Takeover? Remember how victory was in grasp, and the only thing we had to do was vote for the damn top 20 witnesses to get that auto-victory? Too bad, so sad. We lose. Decentralized leadership is the most difficult thing to achieve ever. There will always be splinter cells and people who think they know better who will go against the flow of the majority.

This isn't about wearing a damn mask. It's about a complete and utter lack of trust in authority. Somehow this issue has been politicized as left vs right. Unite, or be divided and conquered.
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