Technically it was possible to claim Duat tokens on 420, but I haven't seen a market for the tokens until now. This made me think of an interesting crypto philosophy question... if tokens have zero utility, are they really tokens?
In the example of Ragnarok, we could technically get the tokens but there wasn't anything we could do with them. Couldn't transfer them, couldn't buy them, couldn't sell them, couldn't do anything with them. A number in a database that does nothing isn't really a crypto, is it? But then it suddenly becomes a crypto when it gains a tiny ounce of utility (usually liquidity).
All crypto projects start out with a hope and a promise that it will become something more. Will it? Certainly we've all seen many an ICO turn belly-up, but I'm always willing to take a shot in the dark for stuff built on Hive.
The claiming process is still clunky and the servers are unstable, but if you catch it at a good time they will work just fine. All that's required is that you broadcast a tiny custom json on Hive to claim duat tokens.

Once this is done the Ragnarok server picks it up from the blockchain and issues tokens to your account. Only just recently has an orderbook seemed to pop up. Judging by the liquidity (or lack thereof) many others have also not noticed trading is live.
There was some kind of technical difficulty for issuing the fungible RCT tokens directly. Still not sure what's going on there, but things are grinding along regardless.
That link is looking pretty weird so I don't necessarily expect it to be active for long. Still, technically this all seems to be working as intended. BRB while I place a modest order to buy cheap.

Don't forget to log in... :D


Okay so the UX here is confusing, but there are actually a lot of things I like about this iteration.
- I like being able to have the order expire automatically after x hours.
- I like how the server gives you updates on the state of the blockchain.
- I like how only irreversible blocks are used for confirmation (even if it adds a 1 minutes delay). This is how if done a bit of my own programming as well and it's fully worth it in many contexts.
- The locking icon is a little weird.
Lock icon

This is what is looks like when you first enter the site.
The price is locked at 0... which is obviously not helpful and super confusing. If you try to buy 10k DUAT it will let you type in 10k, but then when you type in a "Total" in the Hive field it resets the "Quantity" back to zero because the "Price" is locked at zero. Very confusing mechanic for new users that I've never seen before.
Logistically the only way to buy or sell anything is if the price is non-zero, so if you know you want to buy 10k or if you know the price you want to pay or if you know the number of hive you want to spend, just make sure to type in that number first and have that be the number that gets locked in. Again, it's a weird UI/UX but I actually kind of like it even though it's just a small dumb thing. I guess anytime we see anything new after being in the game for 5 years it's noteworthy. This is one of those things, however small.
And now I wait for someone to dump their airdrop into my bags. This is definitely something we should just give a few more days before discussing further. It's very clear these servers are unstable and there's a lot of stumbling going on during crunch time. It'll give more updates on Ragnarok when it's appropriate, but everyone still has three more months to claim these things so there's definitely no hurry.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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