Savor the fleeting victory, fam.
It is not often that Hive goes up while the rest of the market tanks. Feelz nice. Yesterday morning my 10k powerdown unlocked, and I actually panicked a bit. I canceled the powerdown immediately because I don't really need more than 10k liquid at a time. Might do something stupid like buy $10000 worth of HivePunks (jk).
I do need to buy more RUNE and MATIC, which have dipped a good amount vs Hive's pump. Now would be a good time to make those buys, but honestly Hive is still grossly undervalued even now, it's very hard to sell any kind of big chunks of it at these ranges. We are still only around rank #200 on the market cap. That's just silly. Meanwhile, things like MATIC and RUNE are trading near enough to all time highs to be concerning.
I can feel it in the air...
Hive is quite close to one of those mind-melting x10 runs. If so that would put me at a theoretical value of multi-millions. Pretty wild when I actually think about it: I EXPECT to be a millionaire on paper soon™.
Not that this matters.
Because when people say "I'm a millionaire", what are they measuring that number in? What are the units? Dirty Dirty USD. And I can tell you right now that I would NEVER EVER EVER have a million dollars in my bank account. Ever. Doesn't even matter if I'm a crypto billionaire. Fuck that noise. 6 figs is more than enough for the legacy economy. I guarantee it.
Floor is still 80 cents.
The floor for Hive has not increased, but 80 cents is even more of an uncrackable floor now that this has happened. I'd definitely consider buying more Hive if I actually had a source to pull from, alas Hive is still my biggest bag by quite a big margin at this point. 6-figs strong.
I already have over $1000 worth of RUNE, and that honestly might be enough gas to last me a lifetime. I still need to put about that much into MATIC to lock in the same kind of deal: infinite gas at a cheap price before any kind of mega-bubble happens.
The only reason I even want MATIC is due to the PolyCUB launch (obviously). Also MATIC feels like a better second layer solution than something like BSC. MATIC feels a little more decentralized... but I'd have to do more research to find out for sure. Also BNB is #3 on the market cap and MATIC is only #20 so it feels like there is more room for growth.

Full Moon
This is a great time for a dip.
The Beaver Moon is tomorrow, and the market crashes right before it gets here? Par for the course really. Full Moons have been marking the beginning of bullish periods for a year now. Next bullish period comes in tomorrow. This dip comes at the perfect time.
I get the feeling this next run is going to be a big one. Personally I think we can still make it to $100k in November. The next new moon is on December 4th, so if we aren't at least up to $80k by then I'm going to have to refactor my strategy.
Let's see... what else can I talk about that isn't just idiotic speculation and hype?
I've been thinking a lot more and more about gaming. I need to keep my skills sharp. Master Starcraft 2 player over here. I've been playing Minecraft recently which helps me do the bare minimum of making sure I still know where all my hotkeys are.
Funny story about my keyboard hotkeys... I play video games left-handed. I've been using the mouse with my left hand for like over a decade at this point due to a crippling shoulder injury in my right rotator cuff. Even with this disability I'm still damn good and I don't even notice it anymore (haven't for years). I bet if I tried to switch back to right-handed I'd be terrible for a couple months.
I bring this up because I know that gaming is going to be huge going forward. It will be nice when a real game launches that develops itself in a decentralized manner. That's when crazy stuff starts happening. And of course, because 99% of the #Swarm is terrible at gaming all us real gamers are just going to wipe the floor with you noobs. Fair warning.
It's going to be all about MMORPG on blockchain. When an NFT represents a badass weapon or whatever, then it suddenly has utility (unlike cryptopunks and other nfts). Suddenly people will justify buying a million dollar sword so they can use it to farm a million dollars worth of items. The purchase itself becomes an amazing investment opportunity that is not based on selling the NFT later at a higher price.
If I have anything to say about it these NFTs will be BOE, which means bind-on-equip. Once you buy the NFT and equip it to a character, it is bound to that character forever and can not be resold on the market. This is the only way to maintain scarcity within the system (short of implementing hardcore mode where when you die you lose everything you were holding).
Personally I'd like to implement both: hardcore mode on top of various other resource sinks like BOE to ensure that resources are always scarce and that bots would have a very hard time Sybil Attacking the network.
There's also a possibility of creating permissioned networks. Most MMOs only need a couple thousand players on a single instance of the game (server). By creating an invite-only permissioned system based on community reputation it would be much easier to make sure hackers aren't getting in and ruining the game economy. The disadvantage of permissions is that it makes scaling harder and creates a more authoritarian system. However, if you already have 5000 players you don't really need to scale up your MMO server, do you? Just spitballing here.
Market crashed today... right at the exact time you'd expect it to crash (a day before the full moon). Simultaneously Hive is trading over $1 and it feels like it has a lot farther to go considering we've played this low-liquidity spiking game four times within the last couple months. One of these days the price will spike, and instead of coming back down it will just spike again and again. Such is the life of a low liquidity network that hasn't implemented AMM yield farms yet.
The next few weeks are likely going to rip upwards. Bitcoin is consolidating at $60k once more, and this will be a fantastic jumping off point. Don't be surprised if we get an x2 soon™. Of course once that happens we'll have a guaranteed Laser-Eyes dip and the infinite greed with rampage into the future. No amount of gains will ever be enough for all us greed-monsters, if you haven't noticed already.
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