Twitter NFT
Funny story: I was talking to a friend while I was on vacation recently. I always somehow seem to forget that she's a high ranked software developer and that she actually keeps up with crypto tech now that I've been talking her ear off about it over the last 4 years on sparse occasion. It's weird for me meeting someone again after a couple years and seeing that they've actually been doing their own research on crypto rather than relying on me to tell them.
I really need a hardware wallet.
In any case she signed up to receive one of those Twitter NFTs and actually got one. Floor value: $300k... lol. I told her to sell it at the end of the year and she agreed, after talking about how bad it was that she was storing the thing in a Metamask hotwallet. Yikes.
Let's not forget that the @splinterlands account on Twitter was banned right before Twitter launched these NFTs. This was not an accident: it was a blatant and illegal attack that violates antitrust law. They can just get away with it under the guise of their extremely vague terms of service.
You may not use our service for any unlawful purpose or in furtherance of illegal activities. This includes selling, buying, or facilitating transactions in illegal goods or services, as well as certain types of regulated goods or services.
What actually happened is that Twitter sees Hive as a threat and actively and illegally targets it as a competitor within the borders of their own digital realm, and there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about that unless their actions bleed through to the truth. I'm sure Twitter pays their lawyers quite well: let's put it that way.
Seriously though, ban @splinterlands for absolutely zero reason days before you launch your own NFT product? This isn't random chance: they are being quite obvious, but at the same time you can't prove that in a court of law. The law works for the corporations, that much is clear. This is the legacy system; a million cogs in a broken lumbering machine of massive scale. We are here to disrupt, and I guess it would be foolish to think that the powers that be would embrace their own irrelevance.

1% POB owned (12k of 1.2M)
I've reached my 1% target for POB and may chill out on buying for a bit. I think I might retreat to the 0.4 level because that seems to be an extremely critical level. No sense in throwing my money away and buying tokens for an extra 25%, so my official buying range has been shifted to 0.4-0.5.
Interestingly enough as soon as I set my most recent 0.5 buy order someone behind me scooped up all the liquidity up to 0.68.

So there's definitely another big buyer in the water here with me. There's also a nice buy wall at 0.39999 which should provide a buffer if my bids get liquidated and I need a day or two away from buying.
Although if I'm being honest POB is probably one of the least exciting projects I'm involved in at this point. I still have a lot of faith in the Hive/LEO/CUB situation I have going here, and we are ramping up into a hyper bullish period of time.

For today is the full moon....

Hm, yep, send it!
Such a bullish signal can not be ignored.
Two weeks of up incoming.

RC Crunch!
So I used to be able to claim between 60-70 accounts every 5 days with my resource credits. Now @splinterlands adoption is pushing the competition through the roof. I'm lucky to get 50 accounts now if I time it right, and lately the number has been in the twenties and thirties far too often for me to justify claiming anything on certain days, which is usually fine because I have 5 days till a full recharge after spending all my RCs.
This is a prime example of how the cost of operations on Hive is guaranteed to climb. As well as Hive can scale compared to other cryptocurrencies, it is still decentralized architecture, and scaling is a problem even on streamlined centralized applications. A stress test of the RC system for the first time ever is likely coming down the pipe soon™. My guess would be the mega-bubble many have been predicting for 4 years come late Q4 2021. Only four months to go... crazy.

Why do people want Hive?
- Free Bandwidth
- Upvotes
- Governance
- Airdrops
Right now the value of bandwidth on Hive has been rounded to zero. How long do we think that will last? How long until other communities start to realize that airdropping free money onto the Hive community is a net victory for all parties concerned? We can go places and do things that no corporation could ever dream of.
Do not underestimate the grind.
Just because development is slow doesn't mean that nothing is happening. That applies to the entire cryptosphere. There is development everywhere, and impatience is the ultimate sin.

But wen doe?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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