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RED ALERT: 22.888 Soft Fork


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There is nothing to protect Steem from.

Justin Sun is in full control of the network and is planning to freeze accounts so they can't dump on him. I seriously can not fucking believe how amazing this is. Once again, thank you for the free press.

I guess he finally did the math and decided keeping the price of Steem propped up at 17 was going to get a bit expensive. Better to just start freezing big accounts? LOL, he's going to be such a laughing stock for years to come.

In any case, you may want to transfer your powerdown money to an account that might not get targeted by this craziness (one that didn't vote witnesses)



Sure, you won't be targeted in this first wave, but who's to say he doesn't just push another fork that freezes your account? This would be a very foolish assumption.

We've reached the point where witnesses will blindly push code onto the network without even knowing what it is before they agree. Fun stuff.

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RED ALERT: 22.888 Soft Fork was published on and last updated on 04 Apr 2020.