The term "Red Mirage" was coined during the 2020 election.
Political pundits made the claim that Trump would appear to be way ahead on the vote count, but the lagging mail-in ballots would tip the scales in Biden's favor. Lo and behold, that is exactly what happened. In the wake of said Red Mirage, a huge percentage of republicans claimed that the outcome of the election was rigged and that democrats cheated.

It's happening again.
Democrats are once again talking about a Red Mirage, and making the claim that the final tallies might not be in for over a week due to mail-in ballots and whatnot.

Is this appropriate?
how can this country exist this way?
half will not accept the results either way
And the reason for a Red Mirage in 2020 was very obvious: COVID created an incentive for people to do mail-in ballots, while Trump told all his people to vote in person because they'd use mail-in to cheat. Those vectors are gone, but democrats are espousing this idea as if it's exactly the same in 2022 as 2020. It's not a good look.
John Fetterman.
It's so weird to have moved to Pennsylvania only to have the Dr. Oz vs Fetterman campaigns collide on a national level. Fetterman eventually did agree to a debate, and it was absolutely abysmal. Later I've come to find out that Fetterman is also just terrible at debates. Like epically bad. He posted some videos of him debating before his stroke and joked about guessing which one was before/after the stroke.
As someone who is very bad during things like job interviews I can identify with this. Republicans say Fetterman isn't fit to run anymore because of the stroke. Really? As if congressmen do so much work? Every congressman has an entire team behind them that does 99% of the actual work. It honestly doesn't really matter that much that his brain is a bit scrambled, but I'm a little biased on the issue.
For example, if OZ wins, the first thing on the chopping block for republicans seems to be reproductive rights. Due to medical complications, my girlfriend has already been told by three separate doctors over the course of her life that if she carries a child to term: she will die. 100% chance. So it would seem that the result of this election is almost a matter of life and death in some respects. She's pretty annoyed I'm not voting because I abstain from obviously corrupt systems, but it is what it is. Not ideal, to be sure.
The American legal system is simply not ready to ban abortion. The backup laws in place are written so poorly in certain states that it would become illegal to even remove a dead fetus (miscarriage) from the body. People are going to die over this. Good doctors will be sued and banned from practice just for doing what they thought was right. Like I said before: this election and the next are going to be complete shitshows.

The importance of Hive as a new form of governance
I must admit, if Hive didn't exist I'd be pretty depressed right now. Actually I'd probably just be a Bitcoin maximalist. However, we've already seen how Bitcoin governance has failed in that it is so basic it can only do one thing: transfer value peer to peer. This is great as the backbone of the ecosystem, but terrible for building actual working governing bodies on top of crypto.
Hive is the solution that so many are looking for but refuse to see.
Take this Tweet for example.
It is quite interesting, as I had a prelim call with a member of an "advising team" in the early stages of BlueSky research, and despite already having an answer in place in our protocol for most of the things suggested they just kept repeating "but it should be something new" 😂
@crimsonclad was actually in direct communication with the Bluesky team... made her case, and was thoroughly ignored (as if often the case with Hive).
"It should be something new."
Is this what people say when they build a wheel?
Let's reinvent the wheel guys. We're smart!
There has to be a REASON to reinvent the wheel. Something should NEVER be new if it already exists and is right there for the taking. The only reason it needs to be something new is so that the builders of the new thing control it. Legit the only reason. And yeah, they will do everything in their power to fluff it up and make it look like that isn't the case, but that is most definitely the case, every time.
Hive has unhackable voting mechanisms that happen in real time on a worldwide scale. Hive prevents bots from taking over the platform with bandwidth as a derivative via resource credits. We've already solved all these problems... all that's left to do now is wait, watch everything else around us fail, and remain patient as they are all FORCED to come here because the thing they built didn't work.
I really can't reiterate this enough: Hive got EXTREMELY LUCKY. We should have died like a dozen times, but we didn't. This is a requirement for a robust decentralized system controlled by no one. Please show me one single other network that has survived a dozen deaths; I'd love to check it out. As far as I know that network doesn't exist (excluding Bitcoin).
These new systems trying to pop up out of the aether and do what Hive has already done... what are the chances they survive the dozen attacks without being destroyed or centralized? I'll tell you the cold hard truth of the matter: it's even more difficult for new things to pop up when Hive is still here and ready to thrive. We've already cornered the market, the billionaires just don't know it yet. You'll know they've figured it out when I advise you to sell a big chunk of Hive at $50 and secure the 100x gain so we can defend a lower level.
Not that the money matters. What matters is that governance on a worldwide scale is completely broken, and Hive is the light at the end of the tunnel that basically allows users to vote with the value they've brought to the network. We've never seen what it's like when the best allocators of capital actually had control of their own currency within a system of governance. The middle man has been cut out.
Hive the Ubiquitous
Have you guys seen this?

Someone stole our brand name AND our logo to create this obvious rug-pull. No, they are not "building the future of insurance". That's actually a very hard thing to do. How do you make sure bad actors aren't making bogus claims and sucking the community pot dry? All comes back to it being very difficult for blockchain to use oracles to confirm real things in the real world. Huge attack vector. Better to not even attempt such things until mainstream adoption and the advent of sovereign crypto city-states.
Brand is irrelevant.
IP is irrelevant. We can't be angry when these things happen. Hive is a backend. The real projects that matter are the frontends; whether that a frontend like or a game like Splinterlands. The name 'Hive' is nowhere to be found. Operating systems don't need branding or marketing. Carry on, nothing to see here.

I also keep forgetting to talk about the FTX drama.
In case you haven't been keeping up on Twitter, CZ is railing SBF pretty hard. Binance is going to dump all their FTT tokens because of "recent revelations". There's a very solid chance that FTX will become insolvent just like Celsius or Terra Luna. There's a massive ongoing bank run on FTX, so if they are insolvent we are going to find out very soon.

BREAKING: #FTX temporarily halts withdrawals, on-chain data reveals.
LoL shit I guess the news is moving so fast I can't even keep up. That happened an hour ago (after I started writing this).

Not only is this my first successful day-trade, it's also a bearish trade, which as you all know, I never do. Feelz nice. My prediction remains that BTC will hard bounce off $19k, but we already got very close to that just now. Let's check the one-hour candles.

An hour ago we already wicked down to $19200, and in the next hour we wick up to $20k. Volume is looking amazing right now. Hot damn this blood moon does not disappoint. Today is a crazy fucking day. Many bears on Twitter were trying to say if FTX goes under BTC will hit $3000, which is laughably comical. As if FTX, not only has that much BTC, but would also take that huge of a loss just to realize the liquidity instantly. Love to see the bears still in full-on delusional mode thinking they can make huge gains at rock-bottom levels. Someone should tell them that Bitcoin goes up exponentially over time. Going bearish has the worst diminishing returns in crypto imaginable. Either time it right the first time or get out of the way. Don't try to justify going bearish after a standard 80% retrace. That's a fool's errand.
The most fucked up part of this whole situation is that even after five years of fighting and a court ruling, we still honestly do not know how to legally launch a public blockchain in the US.
Does anyone?

Library lost their case against the SEC, and they deserved it. Now they cry on Twitter and ask for regulatory clarity about how to own "decentralized infrastructure". Let me help you with that, LBRY:

The audacity from these people is palpably embarrassing.
I feel second hand embarrassment just from the crypto association we share. You do not "launch" a borderless blockchain within a country. That's asinine. The answer to the question is simple: stop being a greedy dipshit. These people never learn. A dev team should never own more than even 1% of the final product. That is how to avoid being a security. Obviously. Stop asking for permission. It makes you look weak and stupid.
Today is a crazy ass day. The Blood Moon does not disappoint. I may have to write another post if more crazy stuff continues to happen.
We are seeing a "Red Mirage" within politics, but more importantly within crypto. Price struggles, but fundamentals are at all time highs. Only a matter of time before the board flips once again. The Blood Moon in May signaled the bear market as we lost $30k support and tumbled to $17600. I believe this one signals the beginning of the next reversal. Of course, it will take 3-6 months to find out for sure.
Remember: crypto can't thrive in the long run while the legacy economy still works. Centralization is always better and more efficient than decentralization as long as it remains uncorrupted. The corruption seeping into the legacy economy is only a short-term setback for crypto because we piggy back so hard onto the current grid. This will not always be the case. The legacy system has to fail for crypto to succeed. All signs point to this an inevitability. The future is going to be littered with hard times, but also with vast opportunity.
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