How much money do you need to retire?
If you have a dozen sources of passive income but continue on making money actively as well, does that really count as retiring? The entire way we even view retirement is going to be completely flipped on its ear.
Just look at @onealfa...
Look at him go! Look at how many hours he puts into this place.
Is he retired? Or is this a full time job? I can't tell!
The truth of that matter is that crypto will continually start to pay more and more people to do things that they actually want to do anyway. This is something that current economic slaves of the world can not easily wrap their heads around.
The war of work.
Imagine it.
- Your father worked a job that he didn't like.
- Your mother worked a job that she didn't like.
- Your grandparents worked jobs they didn't like.
- Your siblings works jobs they didn't like.
- Your friends worked jobs they didn't like.
I do it for the paycheck.
So when you finally get to retire from the shit job and get away from the toxicity of the corporate rat-race... wow! What a blessing! But that entire old legacy model isn't even going to make sense in ten years.
- People are going to be paid for their "Tweets".
- People are going to be paid just to exist.
- And it won't be some shit-ass universal basic income that requires someone to be vaccinated to receive.
- People are going to be paid to build.
- Everyone will be their own boss
- Freelance contracts are the only way to decentralize.

Automate out the drudgery
We are on the verge of automating all the jobs that no one wants to do. We could never do this before because society did not have incentive. If you automate all the low end jobs away this broken system would fail as the gap between the rich and poor became revolt-worthy.
With crypto we can distribute the resources of automation back out to the community itself. We can give communities the means of production so they are no longer dependent on corrupt centralized entities that only care about making more money.
This will all be free from government oversight. These are self-regulating networks, and the SEC and other regulating agencies have not even come close to turning this conflict up to an 11. I'd say we are about a 3 right now. I guarantee you they crash the next mega-bubble, on purpose, and they will insider trade off of it. This is how corrupt the legacy economy is.
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
Look at Elon Musk. It's hilarious they use their own influence to insider trade on Twitter. The world is only going to make less and less sense and time goes on. The next decade is going to be insane.
And what Elon Musk has done isn't even illegal. These are unregulated markets, and they are going to stay that way by design. Those who want to make an omelette without breaking any eggs are fooling themselves. You can't have the cake and eat it. Pick one.
The entire perception of work is going to change as crypto goes mainstream. Everything is going to be monetized. Impossible business models are going to pop up and start funding their own development and growth. Things are progressing exponentially quickly.
It will be possible to get paid passively and actively with micro-streams of income. People will start actually using cryptocurrency as currency. Once that happens all the laws that classify it as "property" no longer even make sense.
The government is trying to control crypto by calling it something that it isn't. That isn't going to fly forever. Not only is crypto obviously currency, it is programmable currency that is a thousand times more advanced than fiat.
As we develop these things and crypto goes mainstream, the legacy economy is in major trouble. Why would anyone work for $15/h for a dead-end job that sucks when they can get paid more supporting communities that they actually care about?
We are in a phase of extreme environmental change; digitally and globally. These changes bring about great evolution in addition to their corresponding extinction events. Those who can guess what will thrive and what will go extinct will be the ones evolving. If you're reading this message you're probably in the right place.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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