V is for Venture Capitalism
October 2021 is gone forever, and here we stand in No Dip November territory. Is a mega-bubble still on the table? Will we see $200k+ Bitcoin by the end of the year, or is this some kind of weird super cycle? Will we get cut down at the knees by a devastating macro economic crisis?
Nobody knows!
But I'm going to keep assuming that we are balls deep in a mega-bubble as long as my price targets keep getting hit. I told everyone that we needed to hit $65k in October. We got to $67k; sweet victory. Now in the month of November we need to reach $100k (or at least close enough to it to trigger a flash-crash). Hitting this target would then flow into an end of year blow off top in the $250k-$300k area if we were to mimic previous cycles.
A lot of people out there are still in total disbelief that this could happen... and that's a damn good thing, because if everyone thinks it's gonna happen... it legit never happens. In fact there's still a good chance that the real peak is summer 2022 should these 18 months between major bull-market rallies hold true. If that was the cause I'd expect Bitcoin to only hit $100k at the end of the year with a crash to follow that would leave crypto Twitter in tears just like they were back in May. Just thinking about how simultaneously soft and greedy those people are makes me cringe.

M is for Moon
As most of you know, I've been tracking the moon cycles of Bitcoin religiously and making a lot of my short term predictions on these ~2 week cycles. During the crazy retrogrades last month I even threw out the idea that perhaps the moon cycles had "flipped polarity". Making full moons bearish and new moons bullish. This is exactly how it was in 2017, and I'm not sure when or how the market flipped the other way, only to potentially flip again now.

Lo and behold the exact day of the full moon (Oct 20) the market tanks and we've been absolutely floundering ever since. I guess Goddess Moon knows that now is the time to DCA and sell while all those other dark vipers are buying.
We got a new moon coming up on November 4th so... if I'm right we're about to get absolutely launched upward until November 19th on the "Beaver" moon. Really? Beaver? Okay then. Beware the Beaver, friends. You've been warned.
If all goes to plan Bitcoin will actually be trading near $100k on November 19th, so you can imagine the hype and alt-market that this kind of movement would bring with it. We've already seen that it is highly likely that alt's are still oversold and will not lag behind Bitcoin like we were originally worried about.

V is for Venmo
Let's not forget history so quickly, shall we? It wasn't that long ago that corporations like Paypal/Venmo were saying things like they would never ever in a million years accept crypto as a valid form of currency. Look how fast people have flip flopped over the last year. Mark Cuban and the other Shark Tank guys did a complete 180 in record time. Even banks are capitulating and are figuring out with the regulators how to act as custodian and hold Bitcoin on the balance sheet.
It's quite obvious that all of these institutions can see the writing on the wall. All of their attempts to control this tech with "Enterprise Blockchain" have failed miserably. In fact, all they've succeeded in doing is training an army of devs that joined the good guys after these projects ultimately failed. Just like the Intranet and the Extranet were doomed to fail, so has Enterprise Blockchain. Sorry, venture capitalists: get wrecked. You lose.

V is for Ven Diagram
Jesus Christ look at me go again, constantly talking about how I'm left wing while at the same time posting all this content that could easily be interpreted as right wing. Hey, it's not my fault that my political party decided to lose their goddamn minds and devolve into the most hypocritical cowards on the planet.
Close down all the small businesses! Inject everyone!
Show me your papers!
Still, I will maintain that I continually lean left on most issues (except gun control and taxes). The real war at this point is between authoritarians and libertarians, and far too people seem to understand this. It's very simple: stop trying to rule by force. It's an outdated shitty way to do things. Death to the Empire, yada yada yada.

Everything should be legal. All hail the anarchists. I look forward to the Balkanization of government and currency itself and the return of city-states that opt-in their own laws voted on by the citizens directly. DPOS is direct democracy in many instances, and it is also a tool to elect representation in a republic. The difference with DPOS is that we can "vote the bums out" the second they fuck up. There's no four year wait on these things. Everything has been exponentially accelerated.
Have I padded this post with enough content yet?
Going a bit freestyle with this one like I'm @tarazkp or some shit... let's see... what else... Oh yeah I have plans to create a new blog series called the Left Wing Chronicles so I can show everyone what an insufferable liberal I am. That should be fun. "Why are you like this."
Actually I have tons of posts lined up on the backburner.
They just keep adding up.
It's kinda crazy actually.

On top of that pileup I still haven't even dipped my toes back into programming, which is sad to say the least. Really need to get back to it but I'm slacking pretty hard. Also I obviously need to get a gym membership because I haven't really gotten any exercise since COVID started and I've basically gained all the weight back I lost in Summer 2019. Although it is kinda nice knowing that I can easily lose it all within three months and it takes over a year to gain back so... Silver lining.
Also thinking about taking Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc supplements in accordance with the conspiracy theorists on Hive to give the old immune system a boost. Couldn't hurt I suppose. Winter is coming.
The exciting and terrifying future awaits! Don't worry, as long as we have money we'll be able to buy our way out of this hellscape with the rest of the rich people! By all accounts the corporations and institutions are falling like dominoes, all capitulating into Bitcoin. $60k is oversold at this point, I think we are going to see some serious fireworks this month. Kudos! We made it!
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