Wrote this controversial post a few hours ago. I guess I'm kind of a big deal, because two top twenty witnesses commented on it... the creator of Leofinance.io... and the lead dev of HiveEngine. Not a bad turnout.

You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Once a rumor gets out there, no matter how false it is, if people want to believe it, it becomes the new reality.
Perception is reality.
So I made a pretty big deal about how easy it would be to cheat at HiveEngine mining in my last post, which turned out to be somewhat false according to the dev that wrote the code @holger80. Give his witness an upvote because he also maintains the Python wrappers for the Hive API, and Python is an awesome language.
The random number generation for hive-engine is defined here: https://github.com/hive-engine/steemsmartcontracts/blob/hive-engine/libs/SmartContracts.js#L134
const rng = seedrandom(${prevRefHiveBlockId}${refHiveBlockId}${transactionId}
So mining does depend on the witness of the current block and the witness who posted before that, in addition to a transaction ID, which is a lot more secure than I was purporting.
You should always take what I write with a grain of salt, because sometimes I do stuff like this. A lot of the time my blog is for me. I'll talk about stuff I don't really know anything about and make a big fuss just to see if someone will come along who actually knows what they are talking about to correct me.
Thanks for doing all the work for me, suckas!
I'm the worst.
That being said I wasn't totally wrong. HiveEngine is a super centralized service that should be considered more of a testnet than an actual blockchain. Read @themarkymark's latest post for more details on that front.
Does that make me any less bullish on LEO or other potential tokens that are birthed on HiveEngine? Not really, as none of this is breaking news for me personally. But I think other users should be aware of the risks.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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