- I have never been, nor will I ever be, a fancy person.
- I'm the definition of low maintenance.
- The other day I wore a T-shirt that's older than most college students.
- As a child a saved up hundreds of dollars just by saving quarters that I came across.
- I made over $1000 in middle school selling candy at a 17 cent profit per sale.
- In high school people thought I must have transitioned to drug dealing and asked me if I was holding.
- I buzz cut my own hair a dozen times before the pandemic even started.
- I don't waste money going to bars and other overpriced social activities.
- I've only owned one car from 2002 to 2021: a 1994 Camaro with less than 115k miles on it by the time I sold it (52k on purchase for $6000).
- I've made less than $50,000 total over the course of my entire work "career".
- Been on food stamps for over a decade, classified in extreme poverty, yet have never felt poor.
- I don't waste resources.
- I've never bought a pair of shoes (lol how).
Yeah, you don't get to where I am without being a bit of a leech at times, but I guess that's to be expected. I was not made for this world: I was made for the new world; the decentralized world; not this corporate rat-race clusterfuck I see before me.

This is what happened on day three of my trek across the country to Pennsylvania. Probably drove on this thing for 20 miles without even realizing it. It was on the right side so people on the freeway couldn't even see it and alert us. Honestly I can't believe that the rim wasn't even damaged.
The point is that even my move across the country was scrappy. Doesn't matter that have access to six figures worth of crypto. That isn't even money to me; it is my reputation within the New World that hasn't been built yet, and I want the highest reputation possible. Even cashing out $1000 to pay bills makes me cringe. I almost miss my job at Amazon simply for the fact that it allowed me to never cash out, ever.
Speaking of Amazon SMF5 Sort Center in Vacaville, I still technically work there. I just kept taking all the time off they offered, which was every day of the week. It's a ghost town over there. The automation has really kicked it up a notch. Bezos knows what he is doing. I get paid $9 a week in lieu of "health insurance" so I still get a $9 a week paycheck. LOL. Every day that I continue to "work" there from across the country is comical. Q4 starts in a couple days and they'll give me another 20 hours time off. Let's see how long I can make it. My next shift isn't until October 7th, assuming I can't get another wave of time off like I have been for the last three months.
In any case, even my move across the country was scrappy. We actually bought a Ford F150 and I towed that 16 foot trailer 2700 miles without any experience towing things. It was like water skiing on butter for 2700 miles. Who knew toeing everything three people own on the freeway would fishtail the back of a truck given any tiny little imbalance? I certainly did not. Every time a semi-truck passed me the air-pressure sucked me toward it and threw me into a fishtail. Fun stuff.
Apparently because California trucks and trailers have no rust damage the resell value should be quite high. There's a bit of a risk involved though because the truck was very expensive due to the chip/silicone shortage. Fun fact: did you know that silicone is also used in the vaccines? No wonder why the conspiracy theorists run wild on that front.
The point here is that crypto isn't about money: it's about survival.
That's one of the reasons why I appreciate whales like @theycallmedan so highly. He was a scrapper when he was poor; he is a scrapper as a millionaire; and he'll be a scrapper at a billion as well, because it's not about the money.
Let me be very clear: if this crypto thing doesn't work out, at least 99% of all life on the planet is going to die. That's just what happens when life fails to scale, and humanity has been failing to scale for decades if not centuries. The corruption has set in, and if it can not be cured, then it will be purged by fire. Of this I am quite convinced.
Sink or swim together.
Capitalism has been outdated. This is no longer a competition. You can't spend money in the afterlife. Doesn't matter how much currency you hold if the infrastructure of society disappears. That much is certain. These billionaires that think they can hide in a bunker, on an island, or even in space are kidding themselves. It should alarm everyone how many mega-rich preppers there are out there.
They don't make um like they used to!
The world needs less greed and more synergy. The industrial revolution has taken us as far as it's going to. How many products these days are made to break on purpose so that another must be purchased as soon as possible? How many services have devolved into the lowest grade because there are no other options (power, internet, cable, water, etc)? Even the entire fashion industry exists to supersede functionality. Doesn't matter if your clothes aren't in tatters: you need more to keep up with the latest styles. It's pretty gross as far as the eye can see. The cancer is spreading. We are in stage 4.
So when I'm a millionaire or whatever and everyone talks about how "lucky" I am, I won't be feeling very lucky unless I can bring up those around me as well. This is about community strength and reputation, not money and power consolidation. If I have to leech value from my community to get rich I've done more harm than good. We all have to get rich together.
The really nice thing about crypto is that even greedy people are forced to support the underlying community. Hive billionaires will store their value in (you guessed it) Hive. When USD billionaires store their value in USD or another type of security (like stocks) that value pours into the pockets of the masters (central banks and corporations). Not so in crypto. Billionaires will prop up the value of everyone within the community, as value is shared between all holders, and counterfeiting has been made impossible for the first time ever in human history. A thousand nodes will never all be tricked at the same time unless the underlying code itself is faulty.

Scrappers Guild unite! Crypto isn't about money, it's about reputation, survival, and eventually thriving communities that can scale bigger than corporations and even governments by exponential margins.
We find ourselves at the precipice of confusion. Many of these ideologies don't make sense because they are largely speculation. It's hard to imagine a random crypto scaling to millions upon millions of people while generating exponential value when what we have today is, shall we say, lacking. Rome wasn't built in a day, and it wasn't destroyed in a day either.
The future belongs to the people who have more to give. Greed has ruled the world for far too long, and this will inevitably whiplash into the other direction until we can find some kind of balance. Just remember: when everything is stored on a public blockchain, the richest members of a community will always be looked at with intense scrutiny on a worldwide level. If the emperor has no clothes, it would be best if they hit the gym at least a couple times a week.
Transparency is the future.
What a simultaneously joyous and terrifying thought.
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